Humanitarian aid entering Gaza
Humanitarian aid entering GazaChaim Goldberg/Flash90

IDF soldiers from the Nahal Brigade who raided the Zeitoun neighborhood in Gaza this week were surprised to find large quantities of food that came via humanitarian aid trucks in Hamas hideouts.

Yoav Zitun reported on Ynet that alongside the weapons caches, Hamas hid in their stronghold that they reestablished in Zeitoun tons of packaged food, which came in humanitarian aid shipments from the southern Gaza Strip and was forcibly taken by the terror organization.

Zitun explained in his report that Hamas distributed food from international aid first to its operatives, and then, as part of its civilian takeover of the northern Gaza Strip, also distributed it to the hundreds of thousands of Gazans who remain in the area.

Opposition leader MK Yair Lapid caused an uproar on Wednesday when he issued an especially harsh condemnation of protesters who blocked aid trucks en route to the Gaza Strip.

“The violent rioting and blockade of humanitarian supplies is directly damaging security interests, undermining international relations, and serves only Hamas. With this irresponsible government, we can never win."

The Tzav 9 protest organization which has been leading the attempts to block the convoys, responded to Lapid's remarks: “Lapid fights against reservists when they fight Hamas because everything about supporting terror funding makes no sense whatsoever. It isn’t yet too late to repent! Choose correctly!”