During his speech in the Knesset, the chairman of the Noam party, MK Avi Maoz, referred to the dismissal of the reserve soldiers who chanted Shema Israel at the mosque in Jenin.
MK Avi Maoz explained that "if Israel's enemies do not respect their houses of worship, and turn them into a base for terrorism, then the State of Israel must not fall into their trap."
MK Maoz also explained that "a place of inciting terrorism and stockpiling weapons is a legitimate military target for attack."
"The public discourse raged last week around the reading of Shema Israel from the loudspeakers of the mosque in Jenin and the dismissal of the soldiers." I also think that it is forbidden to damage a mosque that is used as a place of prayer. But to call a terror hotbed a mosque is mind engineering. To call a center of incitement to murder Jewish soldiers and civilians a mosque is mind engineering. Just as the IDF spokesman made it clear that a terrorist headquarters disguised as a hospital is a terrorist headquarters and the most legitimate military target there is, so is a place of incitement to terrorism and a stockpile of weapons and sabotage disguised as a mosque, is a legitimate military target," he stated.
Maoz added, "If our enemies do not respect their houses of worship, should we fall into the trap of their mind engineering? Where are the Arab MKs who condemn the reading of Shema Yisrael in the mosque, but do not condemn turning the mosque into a site of terrorism and incitement? I advise all of us not to fall into this mind-engineering trap. I send the IDF soldiers strength in the continuation of their uncompromising war against the cruel enemy who wants to destroy us."