Danny Danon
Danny DanonYonatan Sindel/Flash 90

MK Danny Danon (Likud) commented on Wednesday on the upcoming Supreme Court hearing, with a large panel of 15 judges, on the petition against the law reducing the reasonableness cause.

"The Prime Minister said very clearly that the Supreme Court has never invalidated a Basic Law, and it has never happened that a Supreme Court ruling was disobeyed. First of all, I don't think we will get to this point and I very much hope we do not get there. If and when the Supreme Court makes an unprecedented decision on an issue related to itself and strikes down a Basic Law of the Knesset, first of all, of course, we will respect the court’s rulings," said Danon in an interview with Radio 103FM.

He added that "we need to understand that striking down the law would lead to a significant constitutional crisis, it will lead to additional legislation by the Knesset, I believe we will not get there, but to your question - we will respect any decision of the court. We hope that we will not get there, that the court will exercise discretion and will look at the fact that there is nothing here that is done illegally. We have to trust the court in these matters, let's be patient."

"Let's put things in order, we are not Lebanon, so there is no debate here at all. There will not be people who do one thing and others who do another. We will respect the decisions of the court, all of them. There may be measures within the Knesset, bills of this and that, if there is a constitutional crisis, and therefore I really hope we don't get to this situation. Of course we obey the court's ruling. We don't judge ourselves. I assume it will lead to a parliamentary reaction and there will be a constitutional crisis here," Danon said.