Checkpoint (illustrative)
Checkpoint (illustrative)Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

A Palestinian Authority Arab was detained Saturday afternoon at a checkpoint near Jenin after he was found by Crossings Authority inspectors to be carrying a knife.

According to reports, the Arab had intended to carry out a stabbing attack.

However, Defense Ministry security guards, after receiving prior information, apprehended the suspect at the Reihan Crossing before he could carry out his intentions.

The suspect was taken for interrogation and will undergo further investigation by security forces.

Also on Saturday, a seven-year-old girl was injured by a bullet as she played outside in the Jewish town of Kokhav Ya'akov. According to IDF reports, the girl was injured by a stray bullet from the Arab town of Qalandiya, but another security source said that terrorists fired bursts of bullets and then fled the scene.