Two Jewish boys were injured today (Wednesday) afternoon as a result of an attack by Arabs who were accompanied by left-wing anarchist activists in the Mount Hebron area.
As a result of the attack, a 15-year-old boy was moderately injured in the head and was taken to the hospital, and another person was treated at the scene for minor injuries.
The boys were attacked while they were herding sheep near the Jewish community of Susya when a group of about 15 Arab rioters attacked them with stones and clubs. Together with the rioters were a number of extreme left-wing activists.
Eliram Azoulay, head of the Mount Hebron Regional Council, said in response to the incident, "This is a serious incident that is part of a regular pattern of action that has been increasing recently, when Arabs attack Jewish shepherds in various locations in Mount Hebron at the same time that far-left anarchists arrive to agitate the area. The incident occurred moments after the Border Police officer left the scene. It cannot be that Jewish teenagers are violently attacked near their home."
"I demand that the security forces bring the rioters to justice, act harshly and remove the far-left anarchists who are agitating the area from the area, and increase alertness in these tense days, even in the areas between the settlements. I am sending complete medical care to the wounded; the council teams are currently accompanying them," he said.