Rafael Grossi
Rafael GrossiLev Radin/Sipa USA via Reuters Connect

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Rafael Grossi told CNN on Tuesday that, after Iran closed its nuclear facilities on Sunday for "security considerations," IAEA inspectors are back in the facilities and the "situation seems to be business as usual."

He also noted that the situation was "extremely tense" over the weekend.

Grossi told reporters on Monday that he is concerned about Israel possibly targeting Iranian nuclear facilities following Iran’s drone and missile strike on Israel.

On Tuesday, he told CNN the IAEA believes that in times of conflict, the targeting of nuclear facilities "could be perhaps tempting for a military decision-maker — It will be a terrible mistake with potentially very serious consequences."

He added that he does not have "any information or any indication that there is planning on the part of Israel or any other state to be targeting nuclear facilities." Grossi said the agency is still on alert and that "there should be extreme restraint on everybody's side."

His comments came amid speculation that Israel will retaliate for Iran’s drone and missile attack on Saturday night.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that American officials believe Israel is preparing to respond to Iran's massive assault in the near future.

NBC News reported that the US expects Israel to respond to Iran’s attack but in a limited scope, most likely targeting Iranian military forces and Iranian-backed proxies outside Iran, or striking shipments or storage facilities with advanced weaponry that are sent from Iran to Hezbollah.

In Tuesday’s interview, Grossi also commented on Tehran's current nuclear program, saying Iran "continues to amass important quantities of uranium enriched at levels that are very, very close, technically identical I would say, with those which are required for nuclear weapons," but cautioned that "that does not mean that this equivalent to a nuclear weapon."