IDF soldiers operating in the Gaza Strip filmed Hamas operatives surrounding themselves with children to prevent the IDF from firing at them.

Leading online activist Ella Kenan, who shared the photo, commented: “A photo taken today in Gaza shows how Hamas-ISIS terrorists walk the streets surrounded by children, which they use as human shields in order to prevent the IDF from attacking them!”

“This battle between these Jihadists, Islamic fundamentalists can't be decided until Egypt and other countries around the world will take the people of Gaza and let Israel fight the Jihad terror.”

The Southern Command continues expanding its operational activities in additional neighborhoods in the area of the Gaza Strip and conducted operational activity in the areas of Zaytun and Jabalya in order to target terrorists and strike Hamas infrastructure.

Troops of the 36th Division are operating against Hamas' "Zaytun" Battalion, one of Hamas' main battalions, in the neighborhood of Zaytun in Gaza City. In parallel, additional troops are operating on the outskirts of Zaytun, including Sheikh Ijlin and Rimal, clearing the areas from terrorists and striking terror infrastructure.

Troops of the 162nd Division are operating on the outskirts of Jabalya. The area is the home of the command and control center of the Northern Gaza Brigade and where one of the most significant terror strongholds are located, in which four Hamas battalions are operating.

Engineering forces, infantry, and armored corps of the divisions, assisted by the IAF, are encountering terrorists who intentionally operate from within civilian areas, and attempt to attack the troops using anti-tank missiles and explosive devices.

During the encounters, numerous terrorists were killed and the troops struck a large number of terror infrastructures, including underground infrastructure and significant targets of the terrorist organization.