security forces in Homesh
security forces in HomeshHomesh yeshiva

A group of Arabs threw stones at IDF forces and vehicles driven by students heading to the Homesh yeshiva.

Security forces arrested one of the stone-throwers. However, the yeshiva students were shocked to learn that the attacker was released just hours after his arrest.

Representatives of the yeshiva said that there have been dozens of stone-throwing and firebomb attacks on Jews in the area every week since Yehuda Dimentman, a student at the yeshiva, was murdered in a terrorist attack in December 2021.

The Homesh Yehsiva said in response to the incident: "We support the IDF in fighting terrorism, but it is cannot be an Arab terrorist who tries to kill soldiers and civilians to be released to his home within a few hours, at the same time that every week the students of the Yeshiva are subjected to daily terrorist attacks on the road that leads to the settlement. This lawlessness is a message of weakness against terrorism, and it is what will lead to the next murderous attack."

"We call on the security system to come to its senses, arrest the terrorist immediately and display a firm and uncompromising hand against any terrorist activity in the region."