A deadly road accident on Thursday morning left one person dead and 14 others injured, Israel Hayom reported.
The collision between a truck and several other vehicles occurred on Route 2, near the Zikhron Ya'akov Interchange. In the collision, a man of about 70 became trapped in one of the vehicles and died, and 14 others suffered light and moderate injuries.
Magen David Adom (MDA) forces arriving at the scene evacuated the injured to hospitals.
MDA paramedic Adna'an Abu Roumi said, "There was a great commotion when we arrived at the scene. We saw that there had been a very serious accident between a truck and a large number of private vehicles."
"A man of about 70 was trapped in the back seat of one of the vehicles. He had no signs of life and after he was extracted, we were forced to declare his death.
"Another 14 who were injured were walking around the scene, having suffered light and moderate injuries. They were transferred to hospitals while receiving medical treatment."
Israel Police has opened an investigation into the circumstances of he accident, and Route 2 has been closed from Zikron Ya'akov Interchange and southward.
United Hatzalah volunteers also responded to the accident near Kibbutz Ma'agan Micha'el, and treated numerous people.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Rabbi Michael Cohen, who serves as the deputy head of the Zikhron Ya'akov Region and was one of the first responders at the scene, said: "The accident involved seven cars and a truck. Unfortunately, the driver of one of the cars was killed and pronounced dead a the scene. Together with other volunteer EMS personnel from United Hatzalah, I treated an additional eight people who were injured and in light and moderate condition."