Professor Yoram Maaravi
Professor Yoram MaaraviCourtesy

Prof. Yoram Maaravi, a leading expert in geriatrics, tragically passed away after a fall from a cliff during a hike on Saturday. Maaravi, aged 67, was a prominent figure in the field, serving for the past 30 years as a specialist in internal and rehabilitative geriatric medicine at Hadassah Mount Scopus Hospital.

He was a father to two daughters and a grandfather. The tragedy occurred during a group hike. He spent decades in geriatric medicine and was considered a pioneer in rehabilitation.

Hadassah CEO Prof. Yoram Weiss stated, "Prof. Maaravi was a beloved friend and colleague. He was admired by his students at the Hadassah and Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine, leaving an important and significant legacy that will remain for future generations, reminding us all of our commitment and responsibility towards the elder generation, whom he always referred to as the wise elders of the nation."

"His efforts included significant work in changing societal perceptions towards the elderly, bringing them to the forefront as a respected, vital, and active community. Our hearts are with the family. We extend our sincere condolences to his family."