IDF activity in Gaza
IDF activity in GazaIDF

According to the opinion of the military prosecution, only members of the military wings of Hamas and Jihad can be targeted.

Channel 12 News reports that even if a Hamas member is armed, the military prosecution's interpretation of international law does not permit his elimination.

Additionally, being a member of Hamas services such as a mayor, district head, or senior official, does not permit his elimination unless it is proven that he engaged in terrorism.

According to the IDF spokesperson, "In accordance with political directives, the IDF attacked and continues to attack many government elements participating in Hamas terrorist activities and who constitute legitimate targets for attack under international law."

"During the war, the IDF attacked armed individuals who posed a threat to IDF forces, including members of the Hamas police."

Last week, it was reported that in the military prosecution's interpretation of the laws of warfare, it claimed that during a war, only those belonging to the fighting force can be deliberately killed. Targeted killing is a preventative measure, not a punishment, and therefore, since a civilian is not part of the combat force, he cannot be killed as an act of revenge.