Terrorists placed an explosive device containing four kilograms of explosives at the gas station at the entrance to Kedumim in Samaria Sunday, the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish new year.

Bomb disposal teams neutralized the device, and there were no injuries.

The terrorists escaped from the scene.

A resident and employees at the station who discovered the package containing the explosive contacted the Kedumim security force. The security team cleared the are​a around the gas station and called the police and the army.

Kedumim residents demonstrated this afternoon at the entrance to the settlement and did not allow Arabs to enter the gas station. The residents protested what they called the "incompetence" of Defense Minister Benny Gantz and the continuous attacks in the entire Samaria sector: including the throwing of stones and Molotov cocktails at Jews, the shooting at vehicles passing by and the planting of explosive devices.