Mousa Abu Marzouq, a member of the Hamas political bureau and a senior member of the movement, has declared that his organization will achieve by force the goal of lifting the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and rehabilitating the Strip from the damage of the May 2021 conflict.
Marzouq warned Israel by saying that all possibilities are open (implicitly also military) in dealing with the Israeli procrastination regarding the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip.
He said, "If the occupation gambles with us for more time, then it is fooling itself. We will not agree to a delay, and Hamas will not agree to predicate prisoner exchange on any other issue, important as it may be."
He clarified that Hamas is working to resolve the crises facing the Gaza Strip and relieve pressure on the Palestinian people.
"The Palestinian people are in a state of constant opposition to the Zionist project, and there will be no peace without compensation, and any calm is temporary," Marzouq said.