Education Minister Yifat Shasha-Biton (New Hope), who recently fired her Director General, Yigal Slovik, has responded to the claims he made against her over the past day.
"I decided, with a heavy heart but at peace, to end the position of Education Minister Director General Yigal Slovik," she said. "Out of respect for him, I did not want to hold a public discussion about this, but because of the false slander being spread in the past few hours, I will only say that the disagreements between us were about how he performed his tasks, his behaviors, and a lack of meeting the goals which I set for the Education Ministry. More than that I will not say."
According to her, there is no connection between Slovik's firing and the battle against the coronavirus pandemic.
"In his defense, I should say that he handled this issue in the best way possible. He represented the Ministry in the various discussions and he and his staff received my full backing. The Education Ministry is committed to implementing in full the government's and Coronavirus Cabinet's decisions, in the best and most professional way possible," Shasha-Biton added.
"We do not judge a person in his moment of pain, but his behavior shows hat he is not worthy of being a person of faith. I have no choice other than to regret this style, and to wish Mr. Slovik good luck on his continued journey."
The Education Ministry responded: "The Education Ministry is committed to all of the government's and Coronavirus Cabinet's decisions. We wish Mr. Yigal Slovik good luck on his path."