A bus driver on Monday morning was discovered to lack an appropriate driving license, Kikar Hashabbat reported.
The driver was transporting children to a haredi boys' elementary school in Modi'in Illit when the private bus he was driving he was stopped by police officers requesting to examine licenses. During the examination, it became clear that the driver did not have a bus license, and in fact had never been licensed to drive a bus.
Israeli schools typically hire vans or minibuses to transport their students, typically by outsourcing the task to a registered busing company.
The driver is a resident of one of Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods. He has been detained at the police station for a hearing by an officer.
"Israel Police will continue to work determinedly to catch traffic violators and distance them from the roads," a police statement read. "We will use all the means available to us in order to catch these people and bring them to justice."