PinocchioLance Laytner

David Nussbaumis a retired professor of psychology, University of Toronto Scarborough, an Elected Fellow of both the Canadian and American Psychological Associations and Chair of the Canadian PA Section for the Study of Extremism and Terrorism. He and his wife made Aliyah in 2020, and he is in his fifth Daf Yomi cycle.

Q: When is a pogrom not a pogrom?
A: When it is perpetrated by adherents of the Religion of Peace and Love.
Like any "Politically Correct" apologist for Muslim violence, Amsterdam mayor Femka Malsema seeks to deflect responsibility for the heinous pre-planned and well coordinated attack ignored by Amsterdam police perpetrated in large part by Dutch citizens of Morrocan origins and those inder the thrall of their Palestinian Mythology. For Islamofascist apologists, the term "pogrom" is of course unfair to use when Muslims attack Jews, because of the historic negativity of the term.
Encyclopedia Britannica defines Pogrom as:
pogrom, (Russian: “devastation,” or “riot”), a mob attack, either approved or condoned by authorities, against the persons and property of a religious, racial, or national minority. The term is usually applied to attacks on Jews in the Russian Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Although the coordinated Amsterdam mob attack on Israelis (read Jews) did not occur a century and a half or so in Russia, and was not likely "approved" by Dutch authorities, (although that is a distinct possibility) the fact that the police did not intervene but ignored what was occurring before them, including at least one car ramming, would seem to qualify as "condoning" the event in real time. Like when it counts.

After the fact, the "informational clean-up crews" have to sanitize the crime event to insure that the guilty are never identified and held accountable and responsible. In fact, the best defense being a good offense, they project the crime of racism, Section 1.A. covering the fungible charge of Islamophobia, onto their critics. They would have you believe that Muslims in Amsterdam, and the rest of Western Europe who have never had to flee from a crowd ten times their size, seeking to injure, maim, or even kill them, suffer only for being Muslim.

Their "root justification" for their inexcusable savagery stands on their ficticious Palestinian Mythology. The five fabricated pillars of this Mythology would have you believe that:

1) Jews are not the Aboriginal inhabitants of the present State of Israel, including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

To believe this, you need to ignore the Old and New Testaments; two Jewish Commonwealths with their Holy Temples in Jerusalem, built by King Solomon and Ezra respectively, each standing for over 400 years; Babylonian, Greek, Roman histories, including the Arch of Titus in Rome; classical Islamic texts (i.e., the Quran, 5, 20-23); a plethora of modern archeological evidence of particular Jewish structures and artifacts throughout Israel, and historical and religious texts by Christians, written over the last 2,000 years.

2) The present Palestinian Arabs are the original inhabitants of present day Israel.

To believe this you only need to ignore that there is no mention of a Palestinian tribe or people in any history book, no record of any such kingdom, king, currency or flag, prior to 1964, when they were invented by the Soviet KGB in conjunction with the Arafat-led PLO with complimentary interests in generating anti-American (Great Satan) and anti-Israel (Small Satan) sentiments, to expel both from the oil-rich Middle East; there is no mention of Jerusalem in the Quran; Arab names of Israeli Arabs demonstrate their ancestry throughout the Middle East.
Arabs originated in Saudi Arabia, and emigrated out of Saudi Arabia in large numbers AFTER Mohammed's birth some 1,400 years ago, to to conquer, colonize, and convert defeated peoples from Morocco to Egypt, to Indonesia, by the sword. Jesus the Jew living in Jerusalem, thus preceded Mohammed, founder of Islam by approximately 600 years.

3) Israel is an occupying colonialist, illegitimate power.

To believe this central myth, you must a) accept uncritically the absurd possibility of an Aboriginal People "occupying" their own Aboriginal ancestral homeland, b) be ignorant of the reality that the San Remo Accords, under the aegis of the League of Nations, precursor to the United Nations, voted and confirmed in 1923, the international communitiy's agreement for reconstituting the national homeland of the Jewish people in their ancestral territory, corresponding to present day Israel including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza.

The British were charged with this "Mandate" by the League of Nations. The "Mandate System" was designed to end Colonialism.
Under Colonialism, the more advanced and stronger colonial power occupied a much less powerful territory, claimed it as their colony, exploited the area's resources and population with no "expiry date."

In contrast, under the League of Nation's Mandate system, the Mandatory Power was obligated to train people in, and advance the Mandatory territory, to the point where it could function as a modern state. At that point, the Mandatory Power was obligated to leave the territory completely, immediately. So Israel was formed through an anticolonialism initiative; the same system that saw the formation of Transjordan (Across [i.e., East of] the Jordan River, Syria, and Iraq, none of which have their legitimacy questioned. And one cannot be considered an "occupying" much less "colonial" power in one's Aboriginal, ancient homeland!

Israel's legitimacy as a Jewish State was initiated by the League of Nations, San Remo Accords, as noted above, and as most people know, completed by its Declaration of Independence on May 14, 1948 after the United Nations General Assembly voted for the Partition Plan in November, 1947, creating a Jewish and an Arab State.
Unfortunately, the Arabs rejected the U.N. plan, and almost immediately attacked Israel with 5 surrounding Arab armies (Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, and Egypt. Yes, the original name was Transjordan, well before Critical Gender Theory existed) and referred to the location of the new country across, or on the other (East) bank it, never Yehuda and Shomron that was originally carved out of Israeli territory by the United Nations to appease the unappeasable Palestinian Arabs who insisted on all of Israel or nothing, launching their own unforced error, the "Nakba" and Israel's G-d granted success in their "day after" War of Independance. The Palestinian Arabs forfeited their right to a Palestinian State (Estoppel.)

4. Israel operates as an "Apartheid State."

Anyone wishing to refute this Myth need only come visit Israel with Arabs fully participating in Israeli social, professional and economic life. For example,

1) Mixed Jewish-Muslim couples live openly, comfortably, and breaking no Israeli law. (Both Judaism and Islam have religious laws prohibiting intermarriage, and clergy of both religions may refuse to perform intermarriage ceremonies. In such cases, the couple often fly to nearby Cyprus, get married, and return as married couples, living like any other married couple under Israeli law.
Jewish and Muskim clergy follow their specific intermarriage laws beyond Israel's borders,: a matter of Religious Freedom, and nor considered an Aparthied practice anywhere else. So Israel is anything but an Apartheid State, unlike many Arab Muslim states that do not allow Jews entry beyond political leaders. Mahmoud Abbas has often stated in Arabic that were a "Palestinian State" to come into existence, not one Jew would be allowed in.

2) There are no segregated beaches, theaters, restaurants or universities excluding Arabs pr any other ethnic or racial grouping.

3) Israeli Arabs are well represented in all professions and institutions including:
A) The Israeli government (Arab-Israeli Supreme Court member), two Israeli Arab political parties in the Knesset (parliament),with one in the ruling coalition of the previous Bennet-Lapid administration;
B) The professions of Medicine and Law,
C) About 50% of all pharmacists in Israel are Israeli Arabs, many of them women,
D) Academia, across all disciplines
E) Business and Finance
F) Israeli Arabs do not feel danger or threats walking alone at any time of day or night in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdot, Karmiel, Modi'in, etc., while Jews are restricted from entering any city governed by the PA in Judea and Samaria, facing the possibility of being lynched, even if entering the city by mistake.

5. Israel is committing "Genocide" on the "Palestinian Arabs."
When Israel declared its Independence on May 5th, 1948, there were approximately 156,000 Arabs living within its borders, comprising approximately 18% of Israel's total population. Today, there are approximately 2.4 million Israeli Arabs, comprising approximately 25% of Israel's population.
It might be pointed out that in Genocides, victim populations actually decrease to near zero or to as close to zero as possible. For example, the Muslim OttomanTurks conducted mass murder of the Armenian Christians during 1915 and 1916, in the midst of WWV1, killing approximately 90% of the resident Christian Armenians, and preparing the Holocaust in WW2. Of course Mr. Erdogan denies that it was a Genocide.
Summary and Conclusion:

The Palestinian Arab Mythology consists of interwoven blood libels against Jess substituting the world's only Jewish State for individual Jews, or Jews living in specific regions. The Palestinian Arab Mythology was fabricated (much like the antisemitic Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Czarist Russia) by Islamists and their Soviet supporters in 1964, to demonize, delegitimize, dehumanize, and ultimately destroy Israel, its Jewish residents, along with world Jewry....before proceeding to the more powerful and much more numerous global Christian community. Ultimately, all Infidels must be destroyed including the (Polytheist) Hindus, and Atheists including Bhuddists.

Not all Muslims accept and believe in this Islamic orthodoxy, but the majority of the Arab Street, apparently do.

People in the West must become aware of the above realities, because ignorantly participating in and supporting proponents of the Palestinian Arab Mythology will lead to ongoing and increasing violence and chaos around the world. As they say, "Globalize the Intifada" that you can see on your television in North America, predominantly in Blue states, illustrating the cumulative results of failed immigration and domestic policies by the Obama and O'Bidenite regimes beginning 16 years ago.

Perhaps most importantly, the necessary information is provided to debunk the foundational premises of the Palestinian Arab which is often unspoken basis for 95% of Global antisemitism, that through the Intifada's "Globalization" is morphing into its second phase, targeting the Christian world. There can be no fence-sitters on this one. The Islamists do not accept those with a "neutral position." Either you are one of us or against us.

The thrust of the information provided above affords each of us the ability to undermine the vile Mythology designed to submerge the Western World in darkness, violence and evil. This summary can and should be broadened and deepened because extremists are resourceful, and will invent new lies to cover their existing lies. Consequently the information above is a reasonable and adequate but not "in-depth" treatment of the issue and should encourage further reading.

Don't be fooled again.