Anjem Choudary
Anjem ChoudaryReuters/PA Images

British radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary, whose followers have been linked to numerous plots around the world, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Tuesday for directing a terrorist organization, Reuters reported.

The sentencing comes after Choudary, 57, was convicted last week of directing al-Muhajiroun, which was banned as a terrorist organization more than a decade ago, and encouraging others to support the proscribed group.

Judge Mark Wall imposed a life sentence on Choudary with a minimum term of 28 years before he can be eligible for parole, less just over the year that he has spent in custody since his arrest.

Choudary has often praised Muslim terrorists, referring to the September 11 terrorists as “magnificent martyrs.” Choudary has in the past praised the 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai, India and has also called for stoning homosexuals, assassinating the Pope, and prosecuting the late Queen Elizabeth for genocide.

In 2013, he was filmed while threatening at a protest outside the French Embassy in London that Islam will dominate France and England.

Choudary was sentenced in 2016 to five and a half years in prison after he and another person were charged with inviting support for the Islamic State (ISIS), which is banned under UK anti-terror laws. He was released from prison in 2018.