The European based Global Policy Initiative has endorsed former US Ambassador David Friedman’s new One Jewish State project.
During a special interview on Sunday at the Arutz Sheva-Israel National News Jerusalem Conference in New York City, the former Ambassador said there is only one clear solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict: "We in America have to help Israel grow more comfortable with the idea of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria."
In response, the Global Policy Initiative issued a statement to Israel National News, stating, “Ambassador David Friedman is amongst the first in diplomatic circles to cross the rubicon in recognizing that the only real option is for Jewish people to take full responsibility for their land and all its inhabitants, ensuring good governance, safety and prosperity for all”.
The Global Policy Initiative also published on X their framework Domains of Israel, which they suggest “provides the constitutional instruments for Israel to apply its Sovereignty in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and to provide citizenship to residents, all whilst preserving the Jewish and democratic character of the State”.
Domains of Israel is a framework for democratic self governance where devolved legislation would be enacted only through Israel’s Sovereign ascent. Residents accepting Israel’s sovereignty can obtain citizenship to the Domain of Israel in which they reside but not to the State of Israel. Those unwilling or unable to obtain citizenship could potentially obtain Resident Alien status.
According to former US Ambassador David Friedman, Israel applying its Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria would please both sides of the aisle: "You can support this if you're on the right because you're happy about sovereignty; you can support this on the left if you think that Palestinians should have a better life; you can support this if you're secular because you just see it as the only way that Israel will ever have security; or you can support this if you're religious and you think that this is the land given by G-d to the Jewish people, as I do."
The Global Policy Initiative told Israel National News that the Domains of Israel framework was originally developed in November 2023 in the aftermath of October 7 and has since evolved “in consultation with Israeli civil society organizations, renowned academics and historians, lawyers, authorities in Jewish law, MKs and political strategists”, with the expectation that it “continues to evolve through further input from relevant parties”. What is paramount, they emphasized, is “Israel focusing on a way forward that has truth at its foundation and ensuring the wellbeing of all the land’s inhabitants.”
They charge that the concept of Palestine is based on a premise known to be false by its adherents and that, “as history has shown, lies beget lies, until it is Palestine ‘from the river to the sea’. It must be understood by everyone involved that Judea, Samaria and Gaza is land testified to as Jewish land in the Qur’an, the New Testament and the Torah and that only a solution based on what is known to be true by all relevant parties can provide a path towards peace and good for all”.