The late beloved Chief Sefardic Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahuzt"l is shown in a rare video documenting the end of the first cycle at Yeshivat Mitzpe Yericho, headed by Rabbi Shabtai Sabbato.
Rabbi Eliyahu referred to the prayer upon ending a Talmud tractate, "We run and they run." He asked about the arrogant tone that emerges from it toward those who are not learning Torah in the study hall.
In response, Rabbi Eliyahu excitedly explained the prayer's correct intention: "We're running" - is said out of pain for one's brothers, not condescension. "I had the ability; why did I suffice to learn Torah myself and not share it with others? Why, G-d, do only we run to the study hall to learn Torah and not others?"
Editing and captions: Elad Mokdes, We were Dreamers. Dynamic Logo: Rabbi Moshe Jamal