Moriah Naveh, the daughter of terror victim Ilana Naveh, celebrated her bat mitzvah on Thursday, together with hundreds of family members and friends.
The group danced and celebrated, despite the pain felt by Moriah, her sisters, and her father Alon.
Moriah's mother, Ilana Naveh, was recognized in June 2016 as a victim of the Sarona Market shooting attack at Tel Aviv's Sarona Market, despite the fact that she died of a heart attack during the shooting spree, and was not directly killed by the terrorists' gunfire. Three other people were killed in the attack.
Ashkenazic Chief Rabbi David Lau, MK Oren Hazan (Likud), Maccabi Tel Aviv soccer player Tal Ben Haim, Channel 20's Amir Ivgini, and Im Tirtzu activists attended the event. Hadas Mizrachi, who lost her husband Baruch Mizrahi in a terror attack on Passover Eve 2014, also attended.
Alon Naveh, Moriah's father and Ilana's widower, thanked the guests for coming.
"I am sure that my wife Ilana is here with us," he said. "We all feel her. She is celebrating with us, and she would have been upset if we had not held this celebration."
Hazan said, "A moment before we congratulate Moriah and my dear friend Alon, I want to tell you that it's amazing to see what's happening here this evening. I am excited and embarrassed to be here and to see what's happening. I'm just proud, and I feel your warmth and love."
"If anyone had any doubt why it's impossible to win over us, it's enough for him to see this event and understand why we are strong and why we're not going anywhere. I see these girls, and you can't miss the smile in their eyes that stems from what they've received at home, from the values they've grown up on, and from the education they received at home."
Turning to Moriah, Hazan said, "I wish for you, Moriah, that we will merit to see you under the marriage canopy."
He asked the guests, "Make her happy - because she deserves it; take care of our dear Alon and of Moriah's sisters, Shiran, Linoy, and Noah. You came here to make them happy, and I am sure you will leave here even happier. Take care of the love, and I promise to do everything I can to take care of you. Mazal tov!"