There are still two people missing under the rubble, and forces continue their searches for them.
Yesterday, the funeral of Oleg Yakobov (60), killed in the collapse, was held. "He was a wall of stability for me," his wife Galina said of him at his funeral in Ramle. "I don't know what I will do now."
The tragedy also claimed the deaths of Ahad Al-Hajj (34) of Beit Rima and Dennis Dechenko (28), a resident of the Ukraine who was employed at the site.
Some 300 IDF rescue workers worked this week at the scene non-stop to find additional missing people.
23 people were injured from the collapse that happened on Monday.
It will be remembered that, four hours after the collapse, rescue workers succeeded in making contact with two of those trapped under the rubble and heard their shouts from their cellphones, but afterwards lost contact.