The Supreme Court nullified a duly-passed Knesset law this morning. The law in question was passed in 1999, and stated that Arutz-7 was entitled to receive a broadcasting license.
The Supreme Court nullified a duly-passed Knesset law this morning. The law in question was passed in 1999, and stated that Arutz-7 was entitled to receive a broadcasting license. Nine members of the Court accepted a petition by three left-wing MKs and ruled that the law is null and void, in that it harms the "rule of law" as well as the "freedom of occupation" of potential competitors. Yaakov (Ketzaleh) Katz, Arutz-7's Executive Director, said that the decision is a political one, proving the hatred of the left-wing and the judicial system for the right-wing. Katz says that the station will continue to broadcast legally as it has for more than the past decade from ship-borne transmitters.