A symbol of unity, harmony and inclusivity
The rainbow is a symbol of love and unity. Just as the diversity of colour is what gives the rainbow its beauty, so it is with our diversity as a people.
The rainbow is a symbol of love and unity. Just as the diversity of colour is what gives the rainbow its beauty, so it is with our diversity as a people.
The family of fallen IDF officer Rabbi Avi Goldberg asks that politicians visit with a member of the opposing side. 'At a time when the rifts in Israeli society are growing, it is important for us to underline the value of unity.'
We need a chorus of melodies this year to follow the shofar - the voices of proud Jews.
Chairman of the National Unity party calls on Israeli society on the eve of Tisha B'Av: 'We are facing enormous challenges against our enemies. We must prevent a civil war between us.'
Led by bereaved father Hagay Lober, activists gathered across the country to call for unity.
We don't resemble each other in opinions or lifestyles, but at 100 intersections in Israel this coming Thursday, we are going to show that we are brothers. Read on.
Unity or division - which will it be?
Thousands of religious and secular youth marched together and called for an end to incitement and hatred: 'We are the future of our society, it's time for us to take action together.'
Celebrating the rescue of our hostages showed the wondrous unity of our people proclaiming the Oneness of Hashem who we thanked.
No matter how you break it down, we are all part of those 603,550 that Moses counted in the desert.
We must take stock of what has happened to us and why it happened. But asking “Who is to blame” will neither help nor change our current situation.
There is only one important message and it has to resonate over and over. Op-ed.
We have to hear the voices of all Orthodox rabbis calling for unity.
Because Mordechai gathered all the Jews, the Jewish people were saved. Unity is the key to redemption.
One of the most startling and heartwarming outcomes of this war has been the assembly of the Jewish people in battle and in support of one another.
The Hostages and Missing Families Forum will host a global hour of Jewish unity and prayer at the Western Wall, that will be live broadcast worldwide tomorrow (Thursday), from 4:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m, ending with the Shema prayer.
As part of the Jewish people we must shoulder the weight of our collective destiny and responsibility for the welfare of our people.
Dr. Alon Pauker, a member of Kibbutz Be’eri, explains that mutual respect and unity will help repair the rupture in the nation, and believes that elections are the solution.
Even in times of spiritual hardship, when the Jewish people unite as one, God helps us defeat our enemies.
Fmr. Justice Minister responds to latest judicial controversy: "We should'nt be dealing with this right now, we need to fight the Hamas"
Torah Templates of the past predict future patterns of Jewish History and Destiny.
For perhaps the first time since the Yom Kippur War , Jews from across the political spectrum were able to find common ground. Op-ed.
Jerusalem Chief Rabbi speaks to INN about how to move forward following violence at Yom Kippur prayer in Tel Aviv.
The value of the day is not what happens on that day, but the impact of that day and the days, months and years that follow.
When there is true unity, differences of opinion remain in all of their force.
What characterizes a dispute for Heaven’s sake, and why in such a dispute, the position of the opposing party should not be rejected.
Two thousand youth gathered for the Aderaba Conference in Jerusalem to experience a new way of bringing about unity through understanding.
Just as I won’t coerce anyone into my way of thinking and will respect our differences, I expect the same in return. Op-ed.
Israel was created only 3 years after six million innocent Jews were brutally murdered. Let that memory bring us together.
The Sara Litton z”l Monthly Emunah Essay, as Adar draws to a close: the Mishkan and the Purim holiday's long term messages.
Do you see what the parasha we read yesterday, the Megillah and our currect judicial reform controversy have in common? Actually, you can't.
Only when Am Yisrael returns to its full vitality in Eretz Yisrael, is the Divine flow of life to all things activated.
Sending mishlo’ach manot is meant to be done all year, increasing love among Jews. 'Megillah' all year is seeing G-d's hand in everything.
The essential message of Torah is directed to the Nation as a whole.If one soul was not at Sinai, we would not have received the Torah.
One people one heart, or one heart one people? They are not the same but we do not have to be the same to be one people with one heart..
Now, after the High Holydays, we can attain a comprehensive unity, one that extends its holy light over all. Op-ed.
Since the recent Israeli election, the international press has been filled with baseless apocalyptic news regarding Israeli society. Op-ed.
May the unity experienced at Mount Sinai envelop us once again as we study Torah on the holiday of Shavuot celebrating that event.
At the Red Sea, all the Jews sang the same words together.
Jews today are so divided that they probably would not allow for the type of unity displayed in the times of the Purim miracle. Op-ed..
As we head into the month of Adar when the Jews of Shushan united, we need to:"assemble all the Jews" in unity as Esther and Mordechai did.
All extreme difficulties can be overcome once people join together, when hearts are bonded. Am echad b’lev echad – One nation as one heart.
Ari Green sings 'Lecha Dodi' expressing challenges being faced by Jewish community, while highlighting the unity that has been seen.
Jewish Home's new leader has already set her sights - before negotiating to be part of the government at all."
A covenant is a commitment going beyond mutual advantage, requiring joint obligations in an unconditional and unbreakable union. Opinion.
Our kinfolk in the U.S.are either indifferent or bent on support for a candidate committed to policies helping Israel's enemies. Op-ed.
Yeshiva heads issue urgent call: Stop expressing incitement, agitation, and violence that could lead to bloodshed.
Remembering Hashem in tmes of trouble and rejoicing, remembering that we are one nation.
PM conveys to Bennett he will not continue in office if he runs without Ben Gvir. Netanyahu's people say it was prediction, not threat.
Tzfat chief rabbi calls to work for unity within Religious Zionist camp immediately rather than wait until the next election.
The two do not intend to endanger national camp votes, will work together to form single joint list of all parties right of Likud.
It's not enough to form a joint list right before the deadline. Without creating and projecting unity, everything will fall apart. Opinion.
Former IDF chief of staff speaks outside his home with activists calling on him to unite the left-wing parties. "I'm working on it."
Grand Mufti of Tunisia calls for unity between different faiths. 'We must go hand in hand, communicate and get to know each other.'
New yeshiva brings Torah, shade, and light refreshments to the Temple Mount, provides a spiritually uplifting experience for all who visit.
MK Yoav Kisch is fighting for unity over divisive issues in Israel, saying the country cannot face its enemies if it is fractured.