
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

News and updates about Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Leadership that lasts

D’var Torah for Parshat Beshalach.

Leadership that lasts

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi:

Never again

In the face of wickedness, there is no room for patience.

Never again

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Fasting on a Friday? D’var Torah for Asarah B’Tevet/ and halakhot

Asarah B’Tevet was the original cause—the first event that, had a domino effect, setting many other tragic events in motion. (See selected Halakhot for this year's fast, that falls on a Friday, at end)

Fasting on a Friday? D’var Torah for Asarah B’Tevet/ and halakhot

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

How to make your voice heard

D’var Torah for Parshat Vayigash.

How to make your voice heard

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

First, establish the facts…

If you want to solve a problem, you need to have the facts, whether they are needed to solve Pharaoh's dreams or the was in Gaza and Lebanon.

First, establish the facts…

UK Chief Rabbi says Met failing to protect Jews

British Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis criticizes London police for failing to ensure that a Saturday protest planned for next month will not target local synagogues.

UK Chief Rabbi says Met failing to protect Jews

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

How can we bring peace between rivals?

Parashat Vayeishev portrays the dilemma of Jacob and his rival sons.

How can we bring peace between rivals?

What will our monuments look like?

A person’s l.egacy is not confined to a physical marker

What will our monuments look like?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi:

Vayetzei: How do you respond to your dreams?

Our dream, right now, is “Beshuv Hashem et-shivat Tziyyon” — “May Hashem enable the captives of Zion to come home.”

Vayetzei: How do you respond to your dreams?


What can be learnt from Eisav’s favourite outfit?

What is your most favourite outfit of clothing? For what special occasion did you wear it?

What can be learnt from Eisav’s favourite outfit?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

The Akeida was a major misunderstanding

So what was this all about?

The Akeida was a major misunderstanding

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Words produce light - for Parashat Noach

There is a message in the meanings of two Hebrew words in this week's Torah reading.

Words produce light - for Parashat Noach

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Our tradition demands hope

D’var Torah ahead of midnight Selichot,

Our tradition demands hope

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

We must be happy; we’ve got no choice

Yesterday's parsha has a message that will get us throught these challenging times.

We must be happy; we’ve got no choice

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Watch: Remembering and never forgetting?

Why a dual imperative?

Watch: Remembering and never forgetting?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Keeping the peace in our homes

Through just walking into our homes and looking at the mezuzah, we are reminded of the importance of compromise.

Keeping the peace in our homes


Thirsty for Torah

Should we take water to people, or should we wait for them to come and ask for it?

Thirsty for Torah

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Hashem’s reputation is in our hands…?

The source for this is a passage of the Torah we all know by heart.

Hashem’s reputation is in our hands…?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Words of encouragement. D’var Torah for Parshat Devarim

The Bracha that Moshe Rabbeinu gives to the Jewish people over all ages is found in this parasha.

Words of encouragement. D’var Torah for Parshat Devarim

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

The best way to influence people

People will most likely be influenced by you, if they know that you love them.

The best way to influence people

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Korach: ‘One word says it all’

What was at the root of this machloket, this conflict?

Korach: ‘One word says it all’

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

‘Our children are watching’.

D’var Torah for Parshat Shelach Lecha.

‘Our children are watching’.

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Behaalotcha: Two key features of outstanding Jewish leadership

A true leader is somebody who guarantees that the community doesn’t only feel the presence of Hashem in Shul, in the sanctuary, but wherever we are. And there is another key feature.

Behaalotcha: Two key features of outstanding Jewish leadership

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

The safe rooms that were not so safe

Please Hashem protect the State of Israel from those with cruel intent, who seek to destroy Her.

The safe rooms that were not so safe

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Through what merit is the Jewish people saved?

D’var Torah for Parshat Bechukotai.

Through what merit is the Jewish people saved?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

From where do we know that ten men constitute a minyan?

D’var Torah for Parshat Emor

From where do we know that ten men constitute a minyan?

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Kedoshim:"It doesn’t make sense"

So often, we feel that the only predictable element of what’s happening in the world is its unpredictability.

Kedoshim:"It doesn’t make sense"

From the office of the UK Chief Rabbi:

‘After death we say holy things’

The Rambam tells us that the mitzvah of kiddush Hashem is the mitzvah of ‘Kol beit Yisrael’,

‘After death we say holy things’

From the Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Readings for your Seder table 5784

A series of readings to choose from for your Seder table, offering an opportunity to highlight important themes for Israel and the Jewish people in these challenging times.

Readings for your Seder table 5784

Parshat Tazria: The happiest month?

From the month of Nisan, we are taught that it is not just during times of sorrow that we should empathise with others, it is also when they are happy.

Parshat Tazria: The happiest month?

Shmini: What are the two middle words of the Torah?

In pre-computer times, the scribes knew how many words and how many letters there were in the entire Torah.

Shmini: What are the two middle words of the Torah?

Tzav: Here is a riddle for you:

What it says on the tin should be what you find within it.

Tzav: Here is a riddle for you:

Office of the Chief Rabbi

The true meaning of Shalom: Shabbat for Israel

From the entrance to Kibbutz Be’eri in southern Israel, a message for Shabbat Shalom.

The true meaning of Shalom: Shabbat for Israel

Do you know the minor festivals this weekend?

Did you know that this Friday and Shabbat there are some minor festivals on the Jewish calendar?

Do you know  the minor festivals this weekend?

There are seven words in our tradition for a gift

The longest single word palindrome is ‘Venatnu’, in the book of Shemot. What does it symbolize?

There are seven words in our tradition for a gift

Following cancer diagnosis:

UK Chief Rabbi composes prayer for King Charles

The prayer beseeches G-d to prolong the King's days, 'so that he may continue to rule over our nation in good health and happiness.'

UK Chief Rabbi composes prayer for King Charles

Beshalach: Where did musical instruments come from?

What extraordinary faith brought the women to take musical instruments with them to the desert!

Beshalach: Where did musical instruments come from?

Vaera: Miracle within a miracle

Fire and water intertwined - so can we.

Vaera: Miracle within a miracle

Shemot: A phenomenon of this war

There is a phenomenon associated with the current tragic war, which we must preserve well beyond it.

Shemot: A phenomenon of this war

Jacob never died

This profound and extraordinary statement is recorded in the Gemara.

Jacob never died

The crucial ingredient for Jewish survival

This week, the Chief Rabbi identifies the crucial ingredient for Jewish survival over thousands of years.

The crucial ingredient for Jewish survival

Vayishlach: Winning a war may be necessary, but it bears a price

The Chief Rabbi writes that there are no unscathed winners in a war, but that sometimes they must be fought.

Vayishlach: Winning a war may be necessary, but it bears a price

Parshat Vayeitzei: We should be positive and never despair.

Just when life for the Jewish people is intolerable, that’s when Hashem can bring our Yeshua, he can bring our salvation.

Parshat Vayeitzei: We should be positive and never despair.

Chayei Sarah and the tragic war: The Jewish people is one family

The contribution to the Jewish people is being made by so many whose names we do not know.

Chayei Sarah and the tragic war: The Jewish people is one family

Parshat Vayeira: It’s what you do that counts

During the current tragic war in Israel, I have been so inspired by the actions, by the practical elements of what so many people are doing.

Parshat Vayeira: It’s what you do that counts

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Bring them home

The Chief Rabbi addressing thousands of people gathered in Trafalgar Square to call for the release of hostages taken by Hamas.

Bring them home

A special message for the Jewish community from the Chief Rabbi

Lessons from the head of World Mizrachi who married off one son last week while another son was still missing in action.

A special message for the Jewish community from the Chief Rabbi

Address by the Chief Rabbi - Pray for Israel

The United Synagogue, The Office of the Chief Rabbi and the Rabbinic Council of the United Synagogue held an evening of prayer.

Address by the Chief Rabbi - Pray for Israel

What’s the most important part of any major event?

The value of the day is not what happens on that day, but the impact of that day and the days, months and years that follow.

What’s the most important part of any major event?

Yom Kippur: The difference between hope and ‘good’ hope

What’s the difference between hope and ‘good’ hope? Surely all hope is good?

Yom Kippur: The difference between hope and ‘good’ hope

Rosh Hashannah: Two steps to achievable teshuva

There are two great barriers to teshuva. They are surmountable.

Rosh Hashannah: Two steps to achievable teshuva

How do some people justify antisemitism?

Time and time again people have said that the Jews themselves cause antisemitism. Do they?

How do some people justify antisemitism?

Elul: We can have hope in the future!

What the line "have hope in Hashem" in the last verse of the psalm we say during this period means.

Elul: We can have hope in the future!

Shoftim: The most popular D’var Torah this Shabbat

Never forget this great lesson of the Torah – “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof,” – “Justice, justice you shall pursue.

Shoftim: The most popular D’var Torah this Shabbat

Office of the UK Chief Rabbi

Kisoh, kosoh and ka’asoh

The Talmud tells us three ways to assess character. The three festivals show how this works.

Kisoh, kosoh and ka’asoh

Eikev: Why did the rebbe ask for a cigar?

The Rebbe didn't even smoke.

Eikev: Why did the rebbe ask for a cigar?

Seven weeks of consolation!

Three weeks of sadness requires seven weeks of consolation. That’s the period of the calendar that we are in right now.

Seven weeks of consolation!

Tisha b’Av: A good leader gives us hope

Although the nation is facing numerous challenges, Moshe gives them hope, and what a wonderful message that is for all of us.

Tisha b’Av: A good leader gives us hope

Matot Massei: What difference does it make where we live?

Our environment sets a tone for our lives.

Matot Massei: What difference does it make where we live?

Britain's Chief Rabbi receives his Knighthood

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis recognized by King Charles III for his services to the Jewish community and interfaith relations and education.

Britain's Chief Rabbi receives his Knighthood