Embracing tradition:
The Significance of a Sukkah with Schach
The celebration of Sukkot in a sukkah covered with schach is rich with symbolism and meaning. It connects us to our past, reminding us of our ancestors' faith and dependence on God.
The celebration of Sukkot in a sukkah covered with schach is rich with symbolism and meaning. It connects us to our past, reminding us of our ancestors' faith and dependence on God.
Israeli President calls on Israelis to 'allow everyone, together, to feel the joy of the holiday - without provocations.'
Will we be forgiven for the betrayal of our heritage which occurred but a mere week ago in this country?
The Makuya group, a Japanese religious movement, visited the sukkah of Rabbi Elchanan Nir in Jerusalem.
Love always wants more.
The head of the Shin Bet asked Minister of National Security not to go up to the Temple Mount during Sukkot. Ben-Gvir: Considering.
People from 90 countries participate in annual Sukkot holiday march through Jerusalem.
Toddler requires surgery to remove foreign object from cornea after getting poked in eye while playing with a lulav with his twin.
Hours after a sukkah is vandalized in Ness Ziona, vandal pulls down and makes off with signs from Chabad-run public sukkah in Jerusalem.
We hung signs in the neighborhood: "You are invited to our sukkah at 192 Arlozorov Street, even if we are not at home." This is the result.
Neturei Karta members attempted to ruin the Chabad event by spilling odorous chemicals in the parking lot where it was scheduled to occur.
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, Chief Rabbi of Tzfat, holds festive holiday prayers, with music and song, in Tel Aviv. Watch.
Thousands gather at leading Jerusalem yeshiva for traditional Sukkot holiday celebrations.
'Alongside the rare genius, the hasidic roots seem to be dominant here,' haredi journalist says of Lithuanian-haredi Rabbi Dov Lando.
Pres. Herzog and wife Michal kick off 'Sports - A Game for All' holiday event, inviting all of Israel to their 'Open Sukkah.'
Minister Shlomo Karhi arrived in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as part of a government delegation, and held holiday prayers in the Saudi capital.
Kaliver Rebbe attends 'Simchat Beit Hasho'eva' event at the Klein family's home in Revava.
Festive holiday prayers, with songs of thanks, music, and dancing, are held at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron.
Chabad emissaries throughout Israel carry on the Lubavitcher Rebbe's tradition of bringing the Four Species to the public.
Like many Jews around the world, the Bnei Menashe community of northeastern India is gathering to celebrate Sukkot this week.
During the first days of Sukkot, around 200,000 people visited the Western Wall.
Thousands have gathered to recite the Sukkot prayers and experience the Birkat Kohanim (Priestly Blessing) service at the Western Wall.
Court to Tel Aviv Municipality: Consider holding Rosh Yehudi events on municipal property or outdoors.
World's largest sukkah is built on an area of 800 sqm and accommodates 650 people at a time.
Israeli sports stars to join President & First Lady Herzog in inviting Israelis to the President’s 'Open Sukkah.'
President Herzog visited the Sukkah of Rabbi David Lau, who praised the president for his efforts to bring reach a national consensus.
Every night, a temple-period celebration is brought to life in countless locations across the country.
The suspect claimed in a video message that he intended to sacrifice the lamb as part of the Biblical Temple service.
A large group of worshipers gathered on Sunday morning in Jerusalem to recite the Sukkot morning prayers with Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu.
Minutes before Sukkot holiday begins, explosion occurs in Beitar Illit sukkah.
Wishing a joyous Sukkot holiday to all our readers. News coverage ends this evening, resumes Saturday evening.
A specially designed program will help the public find the nearest of the hundreds of public sukkahs Chabad will operate for the holiday.
To look at our personal and national life through a wider and more optimistic lens.
The Rosh Yehudi organization petitioned the Tel Aviv Municipality's decision to cancel all of its permits to hold events during Sukkot.
In preparation for Sukkot, IFCJ works with Association for Israel Soldiers to help construct sukkot in senior homes across Israel.
In this week's exploration, we delve into a seemingly straightforward question: "Why do we sit in a Sukkah on Sukkot?"
Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah in the profound thought of the UK's late world-renowned Chief Rabbi.
After banning Orthodox prayer by banning mehitzas at Yom Kippur prayer service, municipality revokes all permits for Sukkot events.
On Sukkot the agenda is not so much a credal theory of Providence but a pulsating feeling of joy.
With volunteers already treating several Sukkot-related injuries, the organization asks to follow a few guidelines during the holiday.
Rabbi Meir Mazuz discusses Jewish law on sukkahs in Bnei Brak, in light of rodents plaguing the city.
Why most Asian Jews use imported etrogs on Sukkot even though their countries grow the fruit.
A primer for understanding the hoiday that begins Friday night this year and ends a week later.
Western Wall Heritage Foundation prepares to hold two separate 'Birkat Kohanim' ceremonies; tens of thousands expected to attend.
G-d wants us to be happy.
Several years ago, we experienced a Sukkot holiday like no other.
The public will for the first time be allowed to march to the historic altar on foot over the course of Sukkot.
Jerusalem Municipality announces reopening of largest "four species" market in Israel for the Sukkot holiday.
Rabbi Shmuel Eliezer Stern, top Bnei Brak rabbi, warns sukkahs built where mice are rampant do not serve to fulfill religious obligation.
Since early morning, the Western Wall plaza has filled with tens of thousands of worshipers, gathered to join the Hoshana Rabba prayers.
Racine synagogue's windows smashed with bricks three times during five hour period at the beginning of the holiday.
With elections ahead, we must remember on the holiday of Sukkot that 'All of the Jewish people are fit to reside in one sukkah.'
Dozens attend festive Simchat Beit Hasho'eva event in the town of Revava.
The 'Betsalmo' organization promised the prize to any Jew who performs the ritual or blow a shofar on the mount during Rosh Hashanah.
Articles, quotes, videos and more for individual and family enrichment.
The Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi David Lau, hosted President Isaac Herzog in his sukkah with a delegation from the Echad l’Echad Foundation.
3 Torah scrolls dedicated during special Sukkot celebration at the Western Wall which only happens once every 7 years.
Thousands celebrat holiday of Sukkot at the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron with performances by geart Jewish singers.
In special interview Int. Minister Shaked lamented way she has to spend holiday because of elections and discussed more serious issues
The rabbis of Ukraine's Jewish community recount a holiday of explosions, power outages, and joy