Ahed Tamimi to be released from prison on Sunday
Soldier-slapping teen and regular agitator to leave prison after serving 8 months for hitting troops in viral video.
Soldier-slapping teen and regular agitator to leave prison after serving 8 months for hitting troops in viral video.
Israeli forces capture terrorists in searches across Judea and Samaria, uncover illegal firearms.
Military Court rules Ahed Tamimi will be detained until end of trial. 'Seriousness of allegations leave us no choice.'
'We knew that once riots break out, activists would go into the courtyard of the Tamimi home and start throwing rocks at IDF forces.'
Army court charges 16-year-old PA resident and her mother for a string of physical assaults on IDF soldiers and stone-throwing attacks.
21-year-old Arab woman charged with assault for slapping, kicking IDF soldiers. Incident, which was filmed, later went viral on the net.
Court orders Ahed Tamimi spend another five days in jail for slapping soldiers, releases cousin.
Former elite unit member and former head of Peace Now clash over incident during which young Arab woman was filmed slapping soldier.
IDF general responds to footage of young Arab woman kicking, slapping soldiers: 'Be calm, cool, and collected - but also know when to act.'