'Haniyeh was a combatant and terrorist who reaped what he sowed'
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt lambasted mainstream media for painting the Hamas leader as 'moderate' and 'pragmatic.'
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt lambasted mainstream media for painting the Hamas leader as 'moderate' and 'pragmatic.'
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) CEO Jonathan Greenblatt condemns Squad member's claim Jewish students shouldn't face antisemitism even if they are 'pro-genocide.'
Former Trump Middle East envoy rips President's response to accidental killing of 7 WCK employees, says it is wrong to assume 1 mistake means Israel commits many more such mistakes.
ADL will support the Jewish Agency’s emissaries, with programs and training sessions about antisemitism to support their work with Jewish communities throughout the US.
Head of Anti-Defamation League says Adidas CEO Bjorn Gulden apologized for remarks suggesting Kanye West regretted his antisemitic comments.
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt comments on Elon Musk’s campaign against his organization.
ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt blasts actress and comedian after she repeated past claims that the Holocaust wasn't about race.
Jonathan Greenblatt tell CNN he believes Trump should have his 'oxygen cut off'.
Orthodox Jewish group slams Jonathan Greenblatt for calling Tucker Carlson a Nazi, demands ADL chief resign.
Program will work with 113 synagogues in 27 states to address antisemitism at the community level.
Under his leadership, the ADL has failed in its responsibility to protect the American Jewish community. Op-ed.
ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt equates anti-Zionism and antisemitism, warns that far-left antisemitism must not be ignored.
Survey finds that antisemitism reached an all-time high in 2021, with 2,717 reported incidents of assault, harassment and vandalism.
According to new Anti-Defamation League data, far right extremists were responsible for majority of 2021 domestic extremism murders.
ADL, the organization that views itself as the leader in fighting anti-Semitism has not decided whose side it is really on. Op-ed.
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt writes Op Ed 'in spirit of teshuva' apologizing for organization's opposition to Islamic Center near Twin Towers
With Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, ADL urges Twitter and other social media giants to take action and ban the terrorist group.
Unilever CEO Alan Jope informs ADL chief that company rejects BDS after subsidiary boycotts Judea and Samaria.
For the first time, the CEO of the ADL talks about the rising levels of anti-Semitism on the American left.
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt appearing on PBS show sounds the alarm over the "brazenness" of recent violent assaults on American Jews.
The ADL’s endorsement of impeachment and of silencing Parler show how far it is from the purpose for which it was created. Op-ed.
Anti-Defamation League calls for the removal of Trump from office, either by means afforded by the constitution or through his resignation
Of all the world's nations, BLM chooses to demonize the Jewish State. The blinking, red, warning signal glows brighter every day. Op-ed.
'Anti-Semitic attacks in the US are acts of terrorism - time to start defining them that way,' says ADL chief Jonathan Greenblatt.
ADL praises US bill cutting funding to the PA if it continues to pay terrorists and their families.
ADL voices deep concern after Russian President suggests Jews could have been responsible for Russian meddling in U.S. election.
ADL blasts Jeremy Corbyn after he failed to mention Jews and anti-Semitism in International Holocaust Remembrance Day message.
ADL head compares reports of crematoria use for burning victim's bodies to Nazi use of crematoria during Holocaust.
Anti-Defamation League's national director says anti-Jewish hatred in America is worse than at any point since the 1930s.
ADL director Jonathan Greenblatt says election caused surge in anti-Semitic materials, urges Trump to disavow fringe elements.
The Anti-Defamation League task force to look into anti-Semitic harassment of journalists covering the 2016 presidential campaign.
Head of ADL says Ottoman government's massacre of 1.5 million Armenians was "unequivocally genocide".
'It is incumbent upon all - Israeli, Palestinian, and the int'l community - to work toward preventing a further escalation.'