Minister Yisrael Katz: 'The task: To double settlement'
Minister Katz tours Binyamin, inaugurates Adam interchange and traffic lights at Givat Asaf junction near Beit El to ease Route 60 traffic.
Minister Katz tours Binyamin, inaugurates Adam interchange and traffic lights at Givat Asaf junction near Beit El to ease Route 60 traffic.
Arab terrorist tries to shoot Hareidi soldier and two Nahal Hareidi rabbis at Adam Junction north of Jerusalem; result was 'miraculous.'
Dozens of residents of Adam protested the 'laxity in security' that made it possible to stab policeman Rami Ravid.
Local leader warns that budget battle puts Israelis in Adam at risk; Palestinians suffer, too.
Police officer who was stabbed in the back by terrorist is awake, but has lost a kidney.
In what doctors say is "a great miracle", the life of the officer who was wounded in a stabbing attack is no longer in danger.
Avigdor Schatz, the security officer of the Binyamin Regional Council, called Monday's attack on a police officer “a very serious incident"
An Israeli police officer was moderately injured in a stabbing attack near Jerusalem Monday afternoon.