Trump dropped a bombshell.
Was anyone in Israel paying attention?
I noticed some coverage, but then the story dissolved out of sight (excepting Arutz Sheva). For good reason, such as…ain’t never gonna happen.
Not while Israel is moving in the opposite direction…and not while some Israelis stick to fantasies.
So it was only about a week ago when Trump offered Gazans a plan, which is to forget Gaza, vacate the place, for greener pastures. Ditto Palestinian Arabs in general.
Say Egypt, or other countries where they can live happily among fellow Arabs…since it is apparent that they can’t live neighborly with Jews.
Or even with fellow Arabs. But that’s another story.
Population transfer? This sure sounds like it, but in Israel this could only be whispered. Rabbi Kahane said it out loud years ago and was arrested.
That kind of talk was considered dangerous and an affront against “peace loving” Palestinian Arabs.
Today, we live in a different world. Trump’s world, where soft thinking, defeatist thinking, is incompatible with his vision and leadership.
As a leader, whatever he says, goes, and in America today, this very moment, mass deportation is the thing.
You could say he was giving the Israelis a hint, a way out…or something to think about, if only for another day…when Israel gets back its swagger.
Meanwhile, thousands of undocumented convicts are being rounded up, arrested and deported. The rest are being swept into the dragnet on their way to Guantanamo.
Guantanamo has been set up as a temporary penal colony…as we watch Selena Gomez weep for “my people,” rapists and murderers.
There are more like her. But most of America is with Trump, even New York City mayor, Eric Adams, who has come around.
At the start of it all, there he was, waiting for the busses to pull up at Penn Station, to start shaking hands with illegal migrants as they got off.
Welcome to the land of plenty.
Regrets? He’s had a few.
In New York City, and elsewhere around the country, scofflaw migrants were hosted and toasted, even celebrated…free housing, free food, free transportation.
They were offered suites in our finest hotels.
No wonder they arrived by the thousands and kept coming by the millions.
That’s how it was, and is no more. They are going, going, gone, and perhaps from a distance, Trump can see Israel’s big picture with more clarity than some.
A few weeks ago, I read how Isaac Herzog remarked that he was always in favor of a two-state solution, but Oct. 7 was a wake-up call.
The totality of Israel is too much for its president?
Thinking like that is what constantly shatters Israel’s image of itself.
America’s image of itself has changed dramatically from Biden’s small America to Trump’s colossal America, and Trump wants Israel to follow him with the same gusto and vigor.
Already Trump is calling for the expulsion of Hamas followers on US campuses. They don’t belong here, he says, by virtue of plain common sense.
Common Sense is Trump’s new mantra.
Out they go, to join their savage brothers and sisters in Gaza…and as if we didn’t know, but saw with our own eyes, that lynch mob which accompanied the release of eight hostages, to prove once and for all…that there are no innocent bystander Gazans. How long have I been saying this, and now, Trump is saying this.
By what logic should these savages be tolerated in America? By what logic should they be tolerated in Israel?
Trump’s plan to let them go, or to make them go, should be on the table in Israel as it is already an accomplished fact in America.
Who’s to stop Israel? Not Trump.
New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.
He wrote the worldwide book-to-movie bestseller “Indecent Proposal.” His novel, “Compulsive,” motivated John W. Cassell to declare “Jack Engelhard is a writer without peer, and the conscience of us all.” Contact here

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