I was getting ready to do some chores and decided to check my incoming email first.
This link is what stood out, and then I realized that I needed to take additional blood pressure medication as I saw the murderous mob surroundinng Arbel Yehud as she was being transferred to Red Cross vehicles.
Here’s what I’ve decided needs to be done, unless Israel wants a replay of Czechoslovakia and Munich 1938 via a combination of assorted Neville Chamberlains selling it out for their own “peace for our time” interests, totally disregarding Israel’s minimal existential needs.
The Czechs and Slovaks had a strong military back then, but were sacrificed by their "friends". Their army and armaments were top notch, but they were forced to cede the mineral rich region of the Sudetenland to the Nazis because numerous Germans had settled in the area, just as numerous Arabs did likewise in Judea and Samaria and Gaza. That's right - they are settlers, not natives.
The Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations documented thousands upon thousands of Arabs pouring into the Mandate from elsewhere due to the economic development going on because of the Jews.
Hamas’s patron saint, Sheikh Izz ed-din al-Qassam, for whom its butcher brigades and rockets have been named, came from Latakia, Syria, along with scores of thousands of other Syrians.
Arafat was born in Egypt and entered along with numerous thousands of other Egyptian Arabs, starting from a century earlier with Muhammad Ali and son Ibrahim Pasha’s armies. Many soldiers remained to become additional Arab settlers in the Mandate of Palestine.
Returning to the current degradation and humiliation of Israeli hostages as seen in the opening link, it’s time for Israel to not worry about the world’s assorted hypocrites and antisemites and adopt a death penalty for murderers taken alive who wantonly disembowel, behead, incinerate whole families alive, gang rape and mutilate their victims.
Far fewer armed butchers should have been taken alive.
This way Israel can avoid having to trade thousands of genocidal maniacs for a handful of its own innocent hostages and other dead ones…and avoid the absurdity of having to pay to house, feed, provide medical care, and educate the slaughterers of its people (and a Supreme Court judge going to the prison to check the nutritional level of the food they are being given).
Israel must insist on having a permanent buffer zone on both its northern border, with a still viable Hezbollah-land aka Lebanon, and with Hamastan on the Gaza frontier. Hamas has already replaced the fighters it lost.
The Lebanese Army has already been repeatedly caught colluding with Hezbollah, and the UN’s own laughingstock peacekeepers as well.
A force similar to what’s been stationed in Sinai independent of the farcical United Nations is what might be the answer, but it would have to be for the long term. The Multi National Force and Observers have proved to be very effective. But, if Egypt decides to oust them, that’s when the true test of the MFO’s worth will be tested. The UN force there earlier in 1967 withdrew as soon as Egypt’s Nasser ordered it to.
Someone likened it to a fire brigade running away as soon as smoke appeared.
Nations and organization-led entities which repeatedly attack their neighbors must pay a price for their crimes. That price usually includes a territorial dimension.
Gaza had a rich Jewish history since Biblical days up until the post-WWI era when it became part of the original Mandate of Palestine in 1920. (In fact, the most popular Sabbath eve song "Y-a Ribon Olam" was written by Jewish poet in Gaza) The Golan Heights were part of the original Mandate as well, and also have a rich Jewish history.
The very name “Jordan” comes from the Hebrew tribe of Dan which lived in this area. The River descended from the hilly area of the tribe of Dan.
Returning to Gaza and Hamas, whose very charter calls for the total destruction of Israel and its Jews, it needs to finally be dealt with the same way any other nation so brutalized would do…..eradication, the same fate Hamas and Islamic Jihad have planned for Jews.
If that’s not justice, what is?
Germany was firebombed and Japan nuked when those they attacked took care of business.
Name any war in history, and see if border changes didn’t occur as a result.
It didn’t even have to take hostile actions for some nations to grab other peoples’ lands.
The nearly seven million square miles of territory Arab nationalism won for itself is the result of fourteen centuries of genocidal, colonizing, imperialistic settlement of mostly non-Arab peoples’s lands— often outlawing their own native languages and cultures as well. This is documented nicely in this link. (Source: Middle East Forum)
Arabs and other Arabized/Islamized jihadis were not the only ones doing such things, but the millions slaughtered and enslaved in order to expand the Dar ul-Islam were astronomical, especially on the Indian subcontinent. It is still occurring in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Islamized Turks had their heyday of slaughter, and then came the Mongols…
Other empire building nations engaged in some of these crimes against humanity (the many ancient empires come to mind— Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and so forth), but it would be difficult to find any crueler than those still waging incessant jihad in the name of Islam all over the world today.
The genocidal wars being waged against the sole, minuscule, resurrected nation of the Jewish People, living on historic lands they have documented evidence of continuous residence for over three millennia, despite conquests by Assyria, Babylonia, Syrian Greeks, Rome, invading Arab jihadis from the Arabian Peninsula, Turks, et al, are different from the other Arab wars since Jews are the very people whom Muhammad learned all about G-d from. And the Hebrew Prophets, including Abraham (Ibrahim), Moses (Musa), the Angel Gabriel, Jerusalem, the Torah (first five books of the Bible, and other monotheistic beliefs from.
In many ways, much of the Qur’an reads like an Arabized version of the Hebrew Bible.
Jews fleeing the Roman wars in Judaea founded the date palm oasis of Medina, and gave refuge to Muhammad in his Hijra period, flight from his enemies in Mecca.
When they refused to acknowledge him as the “Seal of the Prophets,” he had all the males decapitated, and enslaved the women and children.
Since he was so close to the Jews, their refusal to “anoint” him as the greatest of the Prophets was unbearable. So, a particularly nasty animus for Jews became inculcated into Islamic belief and practice.
This is not unlike the problem Christianity had/has with Jews who refused to accept the changes to Jewish monotheistic beliefs it insisted Jews accept on the pain of death on too many occasions.
Interestingly, however, there are also contradictory Surahs and Hadiths in the Qur’an and elsewhere which state that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish People .
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Taliban, and so forth learned his lessons well. They proudly took photos of themselves committing atrocities on October 7th, 2023, and posted them on the internet.
Others besides Arabs and other Islamic peoples also indulged in empire building and conquest of other peoples’s lands.
Guess which kingdom or nation has had the largest empire ever?
Note the hypocrisy of such nations demanding that Israel reman a 9-15 mile wide sardine can of a state, while stealing millions of square miles of other people’s lands for themselves:
“Rule, Britannia (or Rule Britannia, The European Union, & Those “Annexing” Judeans…”
Source: The Insight International
Finally, when you watch that opening video, picture yourselves or your loved ones in this situation. This is what Israel has been forced to live with since its miraculous rebirth on less than one half of one percent of MENA (Middle East and North Africa) in May 1948.