Protesters blocked traffic on Route 6 at the Kesem Junction on Wednsday to protest shooting of right-wing rioters by a police officer in the village of Funduq in Samaria.

Demonstrators placed buring tires and bolders on the road and held signs reading "Distinguish between friend and foe," "I have side-locks and a kippah, that's not a reason to shoot me!" and "A Jew does not shoot another Jew."

A large force of police officers that arrived at the scene forcebly dispereced the protesters.

Wendsday's protest joins a similar protest in Jerusalem the night before during which hundreds of protesters blocked the entrance to the city and Begin Boulavard for several hours and police arrested 17.

The friends of one of the individuals who was shot attacked the police's conduct during the demonstration: "It's just madness that a police officer nearly killed our friend and the state is quiet, no condemnation from any public official, MK, or minister, the police's behavior is just disgraceful and shameful.

"The police and Internal Investigation Unit are covering up this shooting just like they covered up the killing of Ahuviya Sandak, we came here so that the State of Israel wakes up and understands that a kipah and side-locks are not a reason to shoot, the blood of the boys in the settlments is not worthless," the protesters added.