Mayor Guy Yifrach
Mayor Guy YifrachArnon Bosani

Mayor of Maale Adumim Guy Yifrach announced on Tuesday evening that with the start of construction in the Mevaseret Adumim area (E1), the site will be renamed T-1 (Trump 1), in honor of US President Donald Trump, and in the expectation that a residential neighborhood will be built in the area during his presidency.

The Mevaseret Adumim area (E1) covers about 12,000 dunams on the western border of Maale Adumim. Its development will connect Maale Adumim to Jerusalem, strengthen national security, and provide a solution to the housing shortage in the Greater Jerusalem area.

"Mevaseret Adumim is a strategic asset for the city of Maale Adumim and the entire State of Israel," Yifrach noted. "The very fact that no neighborhood has been built in the area to date is due to historical stupidity. The time has come to implement the vision of Israel's leaders, who considered the development of the area as a strategic goal, and to strengthen the territorial continuity between Maale Adumim and Jerusalem."

Yifrach emphasized the importance of the current period: "Trump's second term is an irrevocable opportunity to strengthen Jewish communities, especial in Judea and Samaria. The State of Israel is a sovereign and independent state, and I will always demand that the elected government build in Judea and Samaria. But, at the same time, we are pinning our hopes on President Trump and believe that he will advance construction in the area in the coming months. The name "Trump One" will stand as a symbol of the strong alliance between us and our great friend, the United States of America."