Crown Heights Women for the Safety and Integrity of Israel calls on the Israeli Government to reject the terms being forced on Israel for a cease fire agreement with Hamas
We have no one to rely upon but Hashem and His Torah!
The Lubavitcher Rebbe's position was clear: When a nation sets out on a vendetta against the Jewish People and evinces murderous hatred, then we have a moral and Halakhic obligation to deter and take proactive measures against their aggression; when called for, we must act decisively and completely subdue them and go back to imposing maximum punishment to deter them from regrouping and attacking in the future.
During the Lebanon War in 1982 the Rebbe criticized the Israeli Government's misplaced focus on futile negotiations, saying:
"The most effective strategy is to surround the terrorists from all sides and turn the area into a 'mound of ruins'."
As for non-combatant civilians living in Beirut where the PLO was ensconced, the Rebbe advised they be notified to either move to the other side of the city or leave altogether: "By doing so, the operation can be completed without endangering a single Jewish life or causing injury to anyone, not even to the PLO. When the terrorists believe this is not an empty threat and understand that we fully intend to turn their haven into a 'mound of ruins', they will immediately and unconditionally surrender... Implementing this strategy will bring about true and lasting peace." (Farbrengen - Parshat Chukas-Balak in 1982)
The Rebbe's words remain as relevant today as they were first spoken. We've no doubt the Rebbe would issue an anguished, vehement, and relentless protest against the proposed cease fire being hammered out (primarily upon Israel) in Doha. Not only do the terms fail to subdue Hamas or turn it into 'a mound of ruins' - which they justifiably deserve - but the proposal does nothing to deter them or the rest of Gaza's Arabs or their brothers in arms in Judea, Samaria, Lebanon or Iran from returning later on to attack Jews in Israel or elsewhere.
It's bad enough that Israeli leaders foolishly turned a blind eye to Hamas' unmistakable, open activities in preparation for their attack on October 7 - not to mention all the other times over the decades when Israel's politicians played havoc with Jewish lives by recklessly signing agreements undermining security, settlement and the State’s sovereign authority.
"I will not delude myself by thinking that when we remind the politicians of all their past mistakes (for example, the Camp David Accords) they will immediately change their minds and have remorse over the approach they have taken for so long. Concerning fear of Heaven, there is nothing to discuss... They have even lost any semblance of shame in front of other human beings."
"[Hence] we must widely publicize - in such a way that everyone will know - who delayed the prompt and military conclusion of Operation Peace for the Galilee (in the first Lebanon War) despite the emphatic opinion of the Military..."
"Consequently, he will not be allowed to speak in the name of the Jews in the Land of Israel. He can speak in the name of the Arabs, whom he benefited by delaying the conclusion of the war BUT NOT IN THE NAME OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE!" (Farbrengen - Gimmel Tammuz 1982)
Prime Minister Netanyahu: if you want to speak in the name of the Jewish People you must begin by stalwartly demanding Hamas release all the hostages, living and dead, HY"D, at once and unconditionally.
"You will pay dearly for imprisoning terrorists, since, in the future, their various allies will demand concessions to release them and call for prisoner exchanges." (from a yehidus with Tzvi Kaspi in 1968)
"The United States and the Soviet Union have recently engaged in a prisoner exchange, but in that case, five prisoners were exchanged for two. In contrast, Israel released over 70 terrorists - among them several known murderers - for one single hostage.” (Motzie Shabbos Farbrengen, Parshas BaMidbar, Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan 1979)
Whereas the Halakhic principle teaches that in the context of abductors who were solely seeking financial gain, we may not redeem hostages for exorbitant sums [as was often the case in Jewish history], this is not the situation today where freed terrorists openly declare their intention to continue perpetrating attacks." (Daas Torah, pg. 97, footnote 5)
Incoming President Trump's Jewish envoy, Steve Witkoff, is reportedly pressuring Prime Minister Netanyahu to capitulate to releasing thousands of terrorists including, at least, 30 serving life sentences.
To this Mr. Netanyahu, we insist you respond with a firm NO!
Will those who lost their lives to Arab terrorism and war have died in vain simply to appease an outgoing or incoming American president?
Furthermore, Hamas continues to refuse the Red Cross access to the hostages to check on their health and treatment.
Moreover, Hamas, as far as we know, is only agreeing to release a few hostages at a time and no one knows for certain if they are actually still living, r”l. We fail to see what concessions Hamas is making.
Mr. Prime Minister, your government will fall hard and fast if you give into these immoral, insane demands!
You must align with the Lubavitcher Rebbe's directive to permanently maintain "absolute security and full control in Gaza without any form of capitulation." Any talk about relinquishing or decreasing the IDF's presence there must be dropped immediately.
Moreover, any proposal that would create some type of Arab, American, EU or UN led form of governance in Gaza must be thoroughly rejected.
Instead, implementing the Tzedek L'OTEF - https://www.atzuma.co.il/tzedeklaotef plan that restores the Jewish presence in Gaza will best ensure Israel’s future peace and security. The plan is supported by the vast majority of residents from Gaza's periphery, the Negev and Israel's southern coastal cities and will reverse the mistake made in 2005 by the Disengagement.
As for Gaza's Arabs, from whom Hamas continues to fill its ranks, they have the option to either stay and surrender to the State of Israel's authority and obey its laws and order or a take a financial exit package, which they do not deserve, and leave.