Ben-Gvirat the Temple Mount
Ben-Gvirat the Temple MountCourtesy

The Minister of National Security visited the Temple Mount this morning (Thursday) in honor of Hanukkah.

His office stated that during his visit, he prayed for complete victory, the safety of the soldiers, and the return of the hostages - both living and deceased.

During the last Tisha B'Av fast, Ben-Gvir also visited and prayed at the Temple Mount, which sparked the anger of the haredi parties.

At the time, he stated: "There is significant progress in governance and sovereignty here, as we now see Jews praying here. As I said, our policy is to allow prayer. I say something else: we must win this war. We must win and not attend conferences in Doha or Cairo, but win and bring them to their knees - that is the message. We can defeat Hamas and bring it to its knees."