Shas Party Council of Torah Sages member, former Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef, has strengthened his opposition to haredi enlistment in the IDF and even claimed that young men who do not study in yeshivas must refrain from enlisting.

During a discussion with students and the Gerrer Yeshiva, Rabbi Yosef stated: "It is forbidden to go to the army, even if someone is idle [from studying Torah]. The brothers of Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef studied at the Porat Yosef Yeshiva and were yeshiva students. They went to the army and they all rotted, they became secular. After that, they returned to religion."

Two weeks ago, Rabbi Yosef stated that yeshiva students who receive conscription orders from the IDF should tear them and flush them down the toilet. "You, thank G-d, sit and learn, you have problems from the army, they sent you conscription orders, listen to the sages of Israel. I am the first one who announced this, back when no one was talking about it, during the month of Adar. I was still in my position (of chief rabbi) and I said that if they don't let us study here, we'll leave the country. We need Torah study, for what did we return to the land of Israel? To be secular?

"I said that if a conscription order comes, rip it. Do you have a toilet at home? Rip it, throw it in the toilet, and flush it."

Shas spokesman Asher Medina attempted to explain his party's spiritual leader's remarks: "Rabbi Yosef's remarks were meant for the necessary need to ensure proper frameworks for young haredim who want to enlist. He is not G-d forbid calling for the refusal to enlist."

The Prime Minister's Office condemned the statement: "Former Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef's statement is invalid and deserving of all condemnation. We will not accept enlistment refusal from any side."

Israeli President Yitzhak Herzog stated: "I again strongly condemn any call to refuse enlistment, not reporting for duty, and not volunteering! IDF service is a great privilege. The IDF is ours, all of ours. Any harm to it is harm to the security of the State of Israel and its citizens. If someone didn't understand this on October 7th, they should wake up fast and act responsibly."