Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef shared a story, during his weekly Saturday night shiur, from his days as a judge in the High Rabbinical Court, when he sharply rebuked a mother about the repercussions of the secular education she gave her daughter.
"During my eleven years in the High Rabbinical Court, I dealt with a case in which a young woman could not marry because of a halachic problem," the Rabbi said.
"Despite all our efforts – a written examination, witnesses and all possibilities – we could not find a solution. When the young woman burst into tears, I couldn't help myself and shouted harshly at the mother: 'Look what your education has caused. Look what your permissiveness has enabled.'"
Rabbi Yosef said he had been warned that statements against secular education could lead to a petition to the High Court of Justice, but responded: "Let them file to the High Court. We've dealt with many things."
However, he stressed that in cases where a mitigating solution can be found, "it is preferable to find a way to authorize.”