According to Islam, as explained in the Quran and other writings, the world is divided into two camps: those who believe in Islam, and those who don’t – infidels.
Infidels are divided into three categories: “people of the book,” (Jews and Christians), those with no book (for example Zoroastrians), and those who worship idols, stars, etc (Hindus, Buddhists, etc.) Infidels are considered to be enemies of Allah (God) and Islam, and therefore, if they refuse to convert, they deserve to be subjugated, or killed.
Throughout the Quran, Jews are depicted as evil -- heretics, unbelievers, and sinners. For example:
“Those among the children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed. That was because they disobeyed Allah and the Messengers and were transgressing beyond bounds.” (Quran 5:78-82)
“They (Jews) fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah,” (2:79, 3:75, 3:181)
“They are the strongest of all people in enmity towards Muslims.” (5:82)
“They disobey Allah and never observe his commands.” (5:13)
“They hide the truth and mislead people.” (3:78)
“They stage rebellions against the prophets and reject their guidance.”(2:55)
“They are hypocrites.” (2:14, 2:44)
“They feel pain when others are happy or fortunate.” (3:120)
“They devour people’s wealth by subterfuge.” (4:161)
“They slander the true religion (Islam) and are cursed by Allah.” (4:46) (, 9:30)
“Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic law.” (9:29)
“They kill our prophets” (2:16) and are “merciless and heartless.” (2:74)
“They never keep their promises.” (2:100)
“They are cowardly” (59:13) and “miserly.” (4:53)
“They are transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath.” (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166)
In the Hadith, the teachings of Mohammed, it is written:
“You Muslims will fight the Jews until some hide behind stones … and killed.” (v.4, book 52, number
According to Islam, Christians worship a false messiah (Jesus) (8:39) and should be destroyed.
Muslims regard Jews and Christians as “dhimmis” (conquered people), to be persecuted and subject to Muslim rule.
According to the Quran, fighting for Islam is not optional; it is required. “Slay them (enemies) wherever you catch them” (2:191-93).
Although the Quran has many ideas about how to treat non-Muslims, infidels and others, there are contradictions and different interpretations, and even some kind words about “the People of the Book.” Under tolerant and pragmatic Muslim leaders, such as those during the Ottoman Empire, Jews were not only protected, but thrived. In the aftermath of World War I, the emergence of two major movements shaped the politics of what was known as Palestine: political Zionism and the rise of a virulently anti-Jewish/anti-Zionist movement led by Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, and the Moslem Brotherhood. The MB became the basis for what is now called “Radical Islam,” the transformation of Islam.
Backed by Islamic scholars and based on Islamic sources, the Moslem Brotherhood became a vast world-wide organization based on hatred of Jews and Israel. After the overthrow of the Shah, Iran became the leading Shiite nation, and worked with the Brotherhood to promote proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, al-Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist organizations. Arab countries, such as Qatar, supported Hamas as a legitimate expression of Islam and their common values and goals, including justifying terrorism, murder, rape, and atrocities. Jihad, as defined in the Quran and other sources, means war. Some Muslims use it to describe a spiritual struggle, but most see it as a war to achieve victory over those whom they consider to be the enemies of Islam and Allah.
Attached to Palestinianism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Islam provides the most important reason and justification for seeking Israel’s destruction. The conflict, therefore, is not over territory, or “occupation,” or social and political rights; it is to carry out the ‘will of Allah.’
This explains why all of the ‘peace plans,’ the political and economic concessions, and support of the international community have failed. There was no understanding that this conflict was part of a ‘religious’ war between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is taught in mosques and schools throughout the world. For Muslims, it was, is, and will continue to be a holy war for Allah.
As Israeli Druze poet Salman Masalha wrote (“The Arab world’s quagmire” (Ha’aretz online, Oct 24, 2011): “The biggest impediment posed by Arab culture is the absence of a mechanism for self-correction. To understand the problem this poses, it’s enough for us to remember that of the thousands of sayings ascribed to the prophet Mohammed, there isn’t a single one that calls on man to conduct any kind of self-examination. And without self-examination, there can be no correction – neither for the individual, nor for society.”
According to Shariah (Islamic law), based on the Quran and Hadith, all aspects of life, including warfare (jihad) are to enforce the will of Allah. There is no such thing as a separate secular authority or secular law under Shariah since religion and state are not distinct, but are one. Shariah mandates violent jihad as a religious obligation against non-Muslims or former Muslims to establish the rule of Islam worldwide. That is the stated goal of Radical Islam and all terrorist organizations.
The big question is whether Islam can change its views of others and how to treat them. What does Islam stand for? Committing genocide? Destroying Israel? Supporting a nuclear war led by Iran and its proxies? Promoting Jew-hatred and hatred of Israel? Supporting terrorism? Radical Islamists preach a new form of totalitarianism in the guise of a religion. This can and must be opposed by Muslims. That is what a belief in One God means.
The Abraham Accords inaugurated a path towards acceptance of Israel and reconciliation. Will other Muslim countries support it? Are there Muslim leaders who can and would lead a new Islamic movement?
Moshe Dann is a PhD historian, writer and Journalist in Israel.