Thank God! Former President Obama will not enjoy a fourth term

The American citizens who voted for Trump are not ashamed of America--they are proud of it. Opinion.

Besheva cover: Blessed is your return!
Besheva cover: Blessed is your return!Reuters
Thank God! The more gracious of the two candidates has won.

Presidential character was deemed a very important test of one's suitability for office.

President Trump was defamed 24/7--none of his real and/or imaginary foibles or character failings were overlooked. Harris was praised 24/7 and none of her foibles ever made it into the mainstream media.

And now, the American voter has spoken. President Trump has won a "landslide" victory.

All Ye who despair; all those who are in shock, who are wearing black today, and are vowing to either leave the country or pick up guns and fight: Prithee pause for a moment.

Please note how gracious President Trump was in his victory speech, how much he characterized his victory as "ours," as something that "we" accomplished. And then, please note that Vice President Harris was a disgraceful no-show at Howard University; she did not even come out to thank all her supporters who had been waiting for her. She issued her concession speech later, about 13-15 hours after the election was called.

How can we explain Harris's silence? Was she too "emotional" to speak, too angry, too ashamed that she'd been beaten, or was she simply unable to speak extemporaneously? Was she still relying on her speechwriters and a teleprompter? With all due respect, imagine how Harris as POTUS might have handled the Iranian mullahs and their allies Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong Un, Erdogan, the Qatari Arabs, ISIS reconstituted, and the Pakistani and Afghani Taliban?

Oh, not to worry. Obama would have been advising, if not controlling, the deep state.

Really, what just happened? It's obvious.

Democratic Party leftists have just taken it a league too far. The pendulum was bound to swing back. It started with well-intentioned 1960s campaigns but then divided people into oppressor and victim. Then came the Marxist and feminist belief that everything was socially created and therefore could be uncreated ("by any means necessary"); that anatomy is not destiny, in fact, that biology is not real; that racism and sexism are exclusively white America's gravest sins--no redemption possible.
Next, that Israel, our strongest and most endangered ally in the Middle East, was no longer a victim, but had morphed into a "Nazi apartheid" nation state which was allegedly perpetrating a "genocide" in Gaza; and that transboys and transwomen had an almost sacred right to defeat girls and women in sports, share locker rooms and women-only prisons, as well as the right to government funded transition care.

In a conversation about the demise of Women's Studies, (WoSt) my colleague, Daphne Patai also suggests that "stupidity took over long ago...The nihilism inherent in denying reality had no natural borders...Identity politics just got more and more blatant which led to my leaving WoSt for good. I thought the hypocrisy was amazing. These people took antibiotics and vaccines and yet attacked science, logic, and reason as 'masculinist.""

We wondered: America--what have you become?

Recently, third year Pace University law student, Houston Porter, was moderating an after-hours panel about Proposition 1 under the aegis of the Federalist Society. Now, he is being sued under Title IX for having--quelle horreur!--allegedly mis-gendered someone in a boisterous crowd. Porter denies having called a transwoman "Sir." (I'm paraphrasing).

Jihadist-like mobs swarm and attack visible American Jews at restaurants, on the streets, on campuses, at their homes, and the police are not allowed to do what needs to be done. Such verbal and physical aggression has never ended well for anyone, beginning with the Jews, the eternal canaries in the coal mine.

And then there's this. Too much violence, too much looting, and mayhem in our major cities; too many illegal immigrants crossing the border; too much working-poor tax dollars going to feed, shelter, educate, and deliver health care, not to American citizens but to the wretched of the earth, some of whom are criminals, (drug lords, human traffickers), or jihadists.

The Americans who voted for President Trump have not forgotten 9/11. Or all the jihadist attacks on American soldiers and sailors. They are not ashamed of America--they are proud of it. Those who immigrated legally left other worlds behind and wanted to become Americans--even though they retained their ethnic, cultural, religious, and racial identities.
According to exit polls, Trump received 45% of the Hispanic/Latin vote; 64% of the American Indian vote; 38% of the Asian vote. However, he received more white than black votes.

Is this a crime? If so many trendy, elite Americans believe that Arab Muslims deserve a 23rd state in place of a single Jewish state--why not consider that America has always been a Judeo-Christian and a Caucasian culture, but one that has welcomed, absorbed, and, however imperfectly, tolerated differences?

Compare America to any Muslim or communist or totalitarian country and you will understand why so many people want to come to the USA. There are few Americans who want to immigrate to Iran or China or Russia.

To our credit, we abolished slavery--we even fought a very bloody civil war over it; Juneteenth and Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday are federal holidays, as is Washington's Birthday (he was white) and Columbus Day (which, in some states, is now also called Indigenous People's Day). I often wonder if not Columbus, (another white guy), who has been accused of having infected the native population with smallpox, etc.--what exactly does the remaining remnant of native survivors have to celebrate? Americans also celebrate Christmas Day. Incrreasingly, recently created Kwanza is listed in certain states but has not (yet) been annointed as a federal holiday. In Texas, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are listed as "optional holidays" as is Cesar Chavez Day.

Are Americans not entitled to celebrate our past, our traditions, our Constitution? This for many includes religions we hold dear.
And all that is what won on Tuesday.