No one in the world knows more about identifying a Hitler — or any other Nazi — than do Orthodox Jews.
Hitler ultimately went after all Jews and also homosexuals and Romani people (“Gypsies”). But he and his Nazi crew particularly went after Orthodox Jews. Before they proceeded with the Death Camps, they loved spotting Orthodox Jews walking in the street and bloodying them, pummeling them to the ground and kicking them senseless. They made a sport of photographing themselves forcibly cutting Orthodox Jews’ beards and extended sideburns (“payot”). They attacked Jewish religious symbols particularly dear to and associated with Orthodox Jews. In their Nazi propaganda organ, Der Stuermer, political race cartoons depicted Jews regularly in the form of Haredi Orthodox Jews.
If Puerto Ricans were angered by that stupid “joke” spoken by an idiot “comedian” at the recent Trump Madison Square Garden event, how do you imagine Orthodox Jews feel when cynically despicable Democrats like Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton, and Tim Walz throw around terms like “Hitler” and “Nazi,” essentially leveraging those absolutely most evil of images, hoping for cynical political gain?
We are ever so deeply outraged.
It denigrates what Jews (and homosexuals and Romani people) faced during the 1940s when the most evil of Democrats without souls leverage our Shoah tragedy for their hoped-for gain. It is hard to find a parallel for such cynical political exploitation of a people’s grief and tragedy.
In Southern California, there is a Congressional district in Glendale, California with a very large Armenian-American population. Can you imagine if local elections there all centered around each side calling the other side by the names of the most evil Turkish perpetrators of the Medz Yeghern, the Armenian genocide? Just trying to grab a few votes here and there in Glendale by regularly telling voters “This candidate will cause a new Medz Yeghern.” “He will be a return to Enver Pasha and April 24, 1915!” “No, it is my opponent who is the true Talaat Pasha!” Imagine that. Ask Armenian-Americans how that would play in Glendale.
For that matter, how about if American candidates for office regularly would campaign on such similar themes, repeating over and over and over:
“If you vote for Rashida Tlaib, you are voting for a Hamas terrorist who will turn America into a country where babies are burned, women are raped without limit, even dead women are similarly defiled, and random civilians are beheaded. So a vote for Tlaib is a vote for rape, beheading, and burning people. Don’t let her bring Hamas into our District.”
Or . . .
“If you vote for Kamala Harris, you are voting for a return to slave ownership, the mass enslavement of Blacks and the repeal of the 14th Amendment and even the Emancipation Proclamation. Harris and her slaveowners will turn America into a country where Blacks — especially black men — lose their freedom and are sent back to cutting cotton on plantations. So a vote for Harris is a vote for a restoration of Black slavery.”
Actually, both those templates are less absurd than the Trump defamation campaign. Tlaib really is quite an anti-Semite, and it is fascinating to hear her refuse to condemn Hamas and its barbaric and bloody deeds outright as indefensible. And Harris actually has a slaveowner in her family tree, and the way she and Obama talk down to Black men is downright emasculating.
Perhaps no person in American history ever has been tested more viciously and incessantly than he by the abuse of American democracy, and yet he never has budged from his adherence to our Constitution. As president, his executive orders regularly were contested by Democrats who raced to Obama judges in the Ninth Circuit to get nationwide injunctions banning order after order. Never in all four years — not even once — did Trump defy a court ruling against him. Not once. What kind of fascist Hitler dictator complies 100 out of 100 times with biased court decisions handed down by manifestly prejudiced judges hand-selected by litigants for their assured bias?
That is the Trump test. He always abided by the law. He always worked within the system to defend from lies about “Russian collusions” and so many similar, and patiently put up with one impeachment after another. Even a “dictator” far less “fascist” than a “Hitler” would have had Nancy Pelosi arrested, the Democrat Congress disbanded, martial law announced at the Southern border and in cities like Portland, Seattle, and in Minnesota for extended years. Trump, when tested under fire, was more loyal to freedom than were Abraham Lincoln and Woodrow Wilson.
Trump played by the rules. He did not arrest judges or the likes of Adam Schiff who blatantly lied again and again, and even read lies into the record. He followed the rules for four years, even as Biden openly says we need to “lock him up” and Harris continues trying to promote his assassination (the ultimate “Hail Mary” to win an election when a campaign sputters a week before Election Day) by telling unstable lunatics that her opponent is a “Hitler” who will take away their freedoms and order the army to lock them away.
Perhaps the most clarifying point on Trump is this: History has shown repeatedly that Orthodox Jews have the most to lose under a fascist, Hitler, Nazi-like government. Yet they support Trump overwhelmingly overwhelmingly. Those last two repetitive words were not a typo; Orthodox Jews support Trump more overwhelmingly than that word conveys.
Polls show Trump’s support among Orthodox Jews ranging between 80-90 percent. There is no other demographic as pro-MAGA, pro-Trump in all America. What are the millions among the bearded, yarmulka’d, daily-worshipping, strictly kosher, rigidly Sabbath-observing pro-Trump Orthodox Jewish community saying? That they want to be put into death camps and then gas chambers and crematoria?
I am an Orthodox Jew. I am voting for Trump, as are 95 percent of the people I know in my community. I assure you that we are not voting for death camps, gas chambers, and crematoria. We simply are voting to make America great again and to fix what Harris broke during the past four years.
At the same time, polls show that half of American voters will be voting for Trump, give or take one person. If we were offended by Hillary in 2016 when she called us “Deplorables,” are we to be less offended that Harris now calls us “fascists’ and “Nazis,” saying that those who jam-packed Madison Square Garden on November 27 — not only Trump, but everyone who was there and who wanted to be there — are racists, misogynists, and the rest of the “Deplorables” litany? Really, a Plague upon them.
The Harris, Clinton, Walz effort to paint Trump as a “fascist” or “Hitler” or “Nazi” is not merely appalling; it is disgusting. And, by their defaming Trump that way, it is they who wield the Hitler-Nazi ultimate weapon: The Big Lie.
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Rav Fischer’s latest 10-minute messages are up: (i) “There is No Palesine” (here) and (ii) “Jewish Campus Students Need to Stop Whining” (here)
Adapted by the writer for Arutz Sheva from a version of this article that first appeared here in The American Spectator.