The White House
The White HouseiStock

With Election Day just around the corner, and as voters have already begun to cast their ballots in the tens of millions, Main St. USA will make its voice heard loud and clear. That voice will resonate everywhere, and the message will be clear to all:

We the American people, are sick and tired of the progressive garbage. Over the past four years America has become unrecognizable, all in the name of “equality”, “diversity”, and “inclusion”. These progressive terms are at the heart of the transformation of American society into a race and gender-obsessed, pro-genocidal wasteland. The American public and those who will be casting their votes will not only decide who wins the Presidential election, but will vote for the candidate who promises to bring back sanity to public discourse,common sense values and principles, and end the tyranny of progressives. As a result of this pervasive expectation, Donald Trump is going to be the next President and will end the chaos of the past four years.

Blurring the distinctive differences between right and wrong, good vs evil, truth and falsehoods, law abiding vs criminal, and accountability vs impunity from law enforcement, are only the tip of the iceberg of the progressive agenda. The days of progressive Democrats defending lawlessness all in the name of social justice will soon come to an end.

An ever growing majority of Americans are waking up to the realization that this assault by progressive forces has made our lives unbearable; illegal mass immigration, inflation, misguided energy policies, crime and fear on the streets, dysfunctional schools, and the rejection of traditional values have all contributed to the demise of what was once a common future and the idea that we are creating a better world for our children.

The past four years have brought to our doorsteps a progressive reality that only ten years ago would have been considered delusional.

-Biological men can now compete freely in women's sports as well as use women’s dressing/locker rooms as they wish. Declaring that there are only two biological genders can often make you an outcast, publically ridiculed, and can often get you fired losing a secure livelihood.

-Over the past four years, over 10 million illegal foreign nationals have crossed into the United States with impunity, including criminals, terrorists, and sexual offenders. The ensuing uptick in violent crimes due to illegal foreign nationals has spread like a deadly cancer to all corners of America.

-The thousand fold increase in violent and hate crimes against American Jews is turning the safe haven of America into open season on the Jews.

-White male Americans are labeled “privileged racist white supremacists”. Black Americans who don’t toe the progressive BS are labeled “Uncle Toms”. Rampant entitlement for all, other than those who are “white”, has become the norm.

-Anti-discrimination provisions related to “age” and “gender identity” are being legislated into state constitutions, allowing transitioning of children’s gender identity without parental consent nor parental involvement.

It is imperative that we truly understand the monumental and destructive progressive changes that are being forced upon us even in policies that would be considered non-political. A simple examination of progressive energy policies of the past four years would be a good place to start:

In recent years, progressive Democratic politicians have drastically cut domestic fossil fuel production, banning gasoline-powered vehicles while shifting to renewable sources from electricity, wind and solar.

Yet at the same time, they have ignored that power generation capacity and renewable energy infrastructure are not in place nor provide the capacity to achieve a realistic and sustainable green agenda. The progressive energy policies of the past four years have been based on the childish notion that we can overcome energy shortages when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine. This progressive thinking is ultimately unsustainable and will make daily life unbearable, especially due to national weather disasters. What the American public needs is a sane long-term solution that includes national strategies for reliable power production, affordable sustainable energy and a strengthened electrical grid.

The progressive energy agenda is doomed to failure.

The dramatic inflation in energy costs has been felt in our electricity bills or simply by gassing up at a local gas station, but that’s only the tip of the progressive iceberg. Much of the fertilizer used in the world today is a product of fossil fuel. Lack of fertilizer or a spike in the cost of fertilizer due to the spiraling cost or lack of fossil based energy will affect food production in the United States. If you have been asking yourself why your grocery bill has skyrocketed in recent years, and you can no longer buy your favorite food products, blame the current progressive White House.

The progressive commitment to sustainability and the so-called green energy of recent years has become unsustainable.

America will have to undo these decisions and go back to coal-fired plants to keep up with energy demands. Eventually, America will have to decide whether we want to produce food or heat homes due to the scarcity and high cost of electricity , a lose-lose situation and a clear result of progressive energy policies of recent years. The progressive pipedream of climate utopia should be exposed for what it is; ending fossil based energy and replacing it with a far less reliable wind and solar energy market.

Voting for an alternative political understanding of what the American public want and need makes the coming election the most crucial election of our generation. Just to be crystal clear:

Progressives promote special rights yet deny individual rights;

Progressives ignore the will of the people by weaponizing the judicial system who empower unelected governmental bureaucrats.

Progressives have adopted victimhood as a way of life.

Decisions on education, health care and even how we live out our religious beliefs should be an individual choice, not wholly subservient to progressive dictates.

Let your voice be heard, it is imperative that we understand the monumental and destructive changes that are being forced upon us so that we the people, can change the future that progressive politicians are leading us towards and make America sane again.

The ultimate question that we must all ask ourselves is; will I be a silent supporter of the progressive agenda or will I be reminded of the immortal refrain yelled by anchorman Howard Beale in the 1976 film Network.“I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!” It seems that the film, 48 years on from its release, has just as much to say about the state of America today as it did back then.

Ron Jager grew up in the South Bronx of New York City, making Aliyah in 1980. Served for 25 years in the IDF as a Mental Health Field Officer in operational units. Prior to retiring was Commander of the Central Psychiatric Clinic for Reserve Solders at Tel-Hashomer. Since retiring has been involved in strategic consultancy to NGO's and communities in the Gaza Envelope on resiliency projects to assist first responders and communities. Ron has written numerous articles for outlets in Israel and abroad focusing on Israel and the Jewish world. To contact: [email protected], Website: