On August 25, 1991, Mr. David Dinkins, Mayor of New York City, visited the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi MM Schneerson. The Rebbe told him, “….Forget there are both sides. It is one side, one people united…”
For me to start quoting and noting the incredible number of times people of all backgrounds, religions, and colors visited the Rebbe and turned to the Rebbe for blessings and advice, because they all recognized his Holiness and respect for all people, it would literally fill volumes.
The Rebbe spoke many, many times about how one must be kind to all of humanity since we are all created in the form and image of God Almighty. Everyone of all backgrounds can earn a place in the world to come (Gan Eden – Paradise) if they choose to behave in a Godly manner. The Rebbe said, that in Judaism, unlike the beliefs of many other religions and faiths, you don’t have to be Jewish to obtain God’s good grace here in this world and that very special spot in Heaven!
Recently, Candace Owens, a questionable personality herself, debated a Rabbi on the Piers Morgan show and made untrue and inflammatory statements about Rabbi MM. Schneerson. “He preaches Jewish supremacy and is part of Radical Judaism. “ “He preached the hatred of all Non-Jews”—
Nothing could be further from the truth than that lie. I challenge anyone under the sun to find one statement or even an intimation of any “hatred” the Rebbe preached towards any human being.
Today, due to media availability, everyone has a platform to say whatever they want without regard for truth or accountability. Unfortunately, these types of statements play into the hatred already out there and are, in ignorance, accepted by a gullible audience.
Owens went on to paraphrase (since I doubt she understands Yiddish and most likely did not hear the words she was quoting in their original form or proper context) the Rebbe’s description of the difference between a Jew and a non-Jew as proof and support for the fact the Rebbe is radical, preaches Jewish supremacy, and - now listen to this - teaches hatred for all non-Jews!
If anyone has participated in a truckers’ convention, I am sure they have heard the leader preach the importance of truckers to society above other professions. Trucks are responsible for transporting everything, and without them, all of our stores would have empty shelves, etc.
Would anyone suggest there is any supremacism in those words?
If anyone has participated in a meeting of sanitation department personnel or medical doctors, I am sure they would hear the same ideas. No society can survive without sanitation, and we would not live long if we didn’t have Doctors. So, the sanitation department and the medical service providers are Uber over everyone else? Preaching hatred and a condescending attitude to anyone not in their profession??
When a doctor’s convention takes place, attorneys or engineers are not welcome as much as they are very important in their own right since the medical profession is a unique field. Only qualified medical personnel can be admitted to these conferences to offer suggestions with the appropriate knowledge and experience.
According to the Jewish Faith, it is forbidden for a Jewish person to marry a non-Jewish person. Some Christian denominations, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Mormons, and the Amish have, to one degree or another, outright prohibitions or strong discouragement for interfaith relations.
This is very logical and rational on many levels: self-preservation, protecting the rituals of the faith, and most importantly, a sense of pride in their respective faith and the desire to keep their uniqueness and identity intact.
No one would infer from the above that Sanitation people or doctors are preaching hatred of other professions or evincing any supremacy. Anyone hurling those kinds of accusations could be rightfully accused of not being grounded in reality and perhaps jealous and lacking self-confidence in their own skin.
Rabbi M.M. Schneerson often preached the unique qualities and characteristics of the Jewish people as described in God’s book, the Bible. “You will be a kingdom of priests and a holy people for Me.” “You are My cherished people.” All the stories and miracles of the Bible relate to the ancestors of today’s Jewish people.
Being Jewish is being exceptionally lucky, and that’s what Jews should feel about themselves. We have a great history and tradition and are blessed miraculously beyond our numbers. The fact that so many people pay attention to a population of barely 0.2% of the world’s population is the greatest testament to the extraordinary place of the Jewish people. The attention Jewish people get is truly a Godly miraculous testament to our unique relationship with God Almighty.
Jewish individuals have won a disproportionately large number of Nobel Prizes compared to their population. As of 2023, Jewish people won around 22% of all Nobel Prizes despite making up only about 0.2% of the global population.
Here’s the breakdown by category:
Physics: 26% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish
Chemistry: 24% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish
Medicine: 28% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish
Literature: 15% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish
Peace: 9% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish
Economics: 38% of Nobel laureates have been Jewish (since the prize was established in 1968)
Israel occupies only about 0.015% of the Earth’s total land area—tiny. Yet, despite its small size, Israel is a significant player in global affairs, with a unique cultural, historical, and geopolitical importance.
The fact that Jewish people play such prominent roles in every segment of society is a blazing announcement of the special connection we Jewish people have with God.
At a time when there is so much anti-Semitism, this is what a genuine Jewish leader should be pushing—strength and pride in our identity. Don’t wither or bend over. Jews have every reason to be proud of who we are, and the world would do better for itself to recognize the exceptional contribution Jews have always made and continue to give all of society.
Rabbi M.M. Schneerson reminds the Jewish people to know their unparalleled strengths and always use them for the good of human civilization.
Unlike other faiths, Jewish people are commanded to help and heal all people. Jewish people have no interest in robbing anyone of their own culture to the Jewish faith. Jews are commanded to be sensitive and a shining example of upright character and virtue to all people, as they are, whatever their color or background.
It wasn’t the Jews who killed people for sport in the Colosseum. And it wasn’t the Jews who killed and massacred others during the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, the Chmielniky pogrom, or too many other examples of “religions” and movements killing and slaughtering everyone in their way.
The falsiified deaths in Gaza this woman claims to care about would not have happened had Hamas not broken a ceasefire and brutally attacked Israel. This fiasco in Gaza could have ended yesterday had Hamas released all the hostages. But it is Hamas that hides between women and children and fires at Israel. It is Hamas which continues to hold on to our dear hostages.
Unfortunately, today, the war in the Middle East has brought out the age-old hatred and jealousy towards and against the Jewish people. Some individuals have been so carried away in their vitriol and hatred that they have lost their reasoning.
The prophet has already assured the Jewish people that when we return to God by studying His Torah and observing His commandments, God will turn back to us and protect and bless us, the Jewish people, and because of our good deeds, the entire world.
Today, we are living in a very trying, crazy time. But God has never and will never abandon His people. We must do what it takes to deepen and strengthen our bond with God; all this irrational craziness will soon end. Amen.