Ehud Olmert
Ehud OlmertYonatan Sindel/Flash90

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert signed with Nasser al-Qidwa, nephew of archterrorist Yasser Arafat and a former Palestinian Authority official charged with foreign affairs management, on a proposal for 'an agreement between Israel and the Palestinians," according to Palestinian affairs commentator Ehud Yaari.

This agreement would lead to the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders with the annexation of 4.4% of Judea and Samaria in exchange for transferring a similar area to the Palestinian state, including a corridor connecting Gaza to Judea and Samaria.

According to the proposal, a Palestinian administration would be established in the Gaza Strip after the IDF withdrawal, composed of technocrats rather than political figures.

The Palestinians would recognize the new Jewish neighborhoods in Jerusalem as part of the State of Israel, while the Arabic neighborhoods not included in Jerusalem's municipal boundaries before 1967 would be part of the Palestinian capital in Jerusalem.

The Old City would be managed by a trustee board in which representatives from 5 countries, including Israel and Palestine, would sit. The authority of the board would be determined by the UN Security Council. The parties would negotiate regarding the fate of Israeli towns and their residents as well as the issue of refugees. The possibility of positioning an international force along the Jordan River would also be examined.