Tzvi Succot
Tzvi SuccotNoam Moskowitz/ Knesset spokesperson

The IDF has tightened the regulations on the entry and security of Palestinian Authority (PA) Arab workers employed at construction sites and industrial areas in Judea and Samaria.

The tightening of the regulations came following several discussions on the matter of bringing PA Arab workers to settlements in Judea and Samaria, held by MK Tzvi Succot (Religious Zionist Party), who chairs the Subcommittee on Judea and Samaria Affairs in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee.

According to the tightened regulations, employers of the workers are required to provide one guard for every four workers at a small construction site, and one guard for every ten workers at a large construction site. For comparison, before the tightening of the regulations, one guard was required for every 10 workers at any construction site, two guards for 30 workers, four guards for 60 workers, and five guards for over 60 workers.

In addition, under the updated regulations, the person guarding the workers must have completed basic combat training in active reserve service (and not while performing reserve duty), or be an employee of a security company with a security guard certificate.

Also, the person designated as a guard for the workers must only engage in this role and not be a worker or a foreman himself.

MK Succot stated: "The entry of Palestinian workers should be banned altogether just as the entry of Palestinian workers is banned throughout the rest of the country. Even if such a conclusion has not been reached by the Defense Ministry, at least the security regulations against them have been tightened. I am glad that following the Committee's activities under my leadership, the IDF decided to tighten the regulations to ensure that Israeli citizens are safer."