Left to right: MK Succot, Governor Dagan, MK Kallner, MK Halevi
Left to right: MK Succot, Governor Dagan, MK Kallner, MK HaleviSamaria Regional Council

Samaria governor Yossi Dagan has established together with MKs Tzvi Succot (Religious Zionist Party), Ariel Kallner (Likud) and Amit Halevi (Likud) a working group to forge broad support among Knesset members to repeal the Disengagement Law in the Gaza Strip.

At the outset of the war there was an attempt to bring the bill to a vote, but it was not advanced to the cabinet committee on legislation.

The law has already been repealed for several areas in northern Samaria. Dagan was among the most prominent activists who led the lobbying effort to have the law repealed.

The repeal of the law is a prerequisite for the growing calls for Israel to resettle Gaza to be carried out.

"The war was a direct consequence of the disengagement, and the law is a mark of Cain in Israel's lawbooks," Dagan declared.