US President Joe Biden gave an interview to Speedy Morman of Complex in which he was asked why his support for Israel is so strong.

“If there weren’t an Israel, every Jew in the world would be at risk,” the President replied. “And so, there is a need for it to be strong and the need for Israel to be able to have, after World War II, the ability for Jews to have a place that was their own.”

“But you don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and a Zionist is about whether or not Israel is a safe haven for Jews because of their history, of how they’ve been persecuted.”

Asked by Morman if he is a Zionist, Biden replied, “Yes”. He then also said he has been supportive of the Palestinian Arabs, noting he convinced Egypt to open its border with Gaza for the entry of goods.

On Hamas, Biden said, “They are a bunch of thugs. I was over there about eight days after the [October 7] massacre, I saw photographs of mothers and daughters being tied in a rope together and kerosene poured on their head and having them burned to death. Nothing’s happened like that since the Holocaust. And it’s just not appropriate.