Gael Grunewald, Roi Abecassis, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, Rabbi Doron Perez, Rabbi Danny Mirvis
Gael Grunewald, Roi Abecassis, Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, Rabbi Doron Perez, Rabbi Danny MirvisWorld Mizrachi

Executive Chairman of World Mizrachi Rabbi Doron Perez was presented with the Torat Tziyon Award at the Yeshiva University RIETS - Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Chag HaSemicha this week.

At the event, Rabbi Perez gave a keynote speech, speaking about the role of YU today, how it is more critical than ever – in particular in the areas of Torat Emet, to ensure that the truth is spread, and of Torat Tziyon, spreading the light of the Land and State of Israel.

Yeshiva University President Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman introduced Rabbi Perez saying: “Rabbi Perez is at the forefront of promoting Torat Tziyon, of working towards redemption by envisioning and promoting Am Yisrael living Torat Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. With his vision of Jewish peoplehood, values, and destiny, Rav Perez is not just waiting for redemption, but working to make it happen.”