Handing out candy to celebrate dead Jews
Handing out candy to celebrate dead JewsAbed Rahim Khatib/Flash 90

The October 7 pogrom serves as the most stark example of how different the Jewish and Arab peoples are, and why we Jews must seek to permanently separate from the Arabs.

Both Arabs and Jews must be allowed to fulfill their own destinies, but without the burden of living together. For Jews and Arabs are today, as we have always been, two people with wildly opposing views about morality, humanity, and what the purpose of life is.

The Jews successfully coexist in Israel with various Christians, Armenians, Druze, and other non-Jews. So why is it not possible to live with the Arabs?

Simply put, we can no longer live with the Arabs because the Arab world overwhelmingly supports and celebrates the unspeakable atrocities committed in the name of Islam on October 7.

Further, we do not have evidence that the Arab world is prepared to live side by side with anyone who is not a member of their religion. And critically, it is not possible to live with the Arab people, who deny the Jewish right to our land, our right to our religion, and even our right to exist.

How do I know that the Jews must permanently separate from the Arabs? Because the Arabs have chosen to use the October 7 pogrom to define who they are, what they value, and to remind the Jews what we should expect in the future if we continue to live with them.

And why do I speak with such certainty that the Jews must separate themselves from the Arabs?

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 when the "Arab Ummah" rose as one to celebrate the massacre of 1,400 unarmed Jews in cold blood.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 how Arab terrorists photographed these massacres and proudly posted their photos on the internet for the Arab masses to enthusiastically share with each other.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 how Arabs raped Jewish women in public for each other to witness and cheer on, while not one Arab present sought to intervene.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 how Arabs beheaded Jewish babies and and burned them alive in ovens, and were cheered on by their fellow Arabs worldwide.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 how Arabs kidnapped 240 Jews, including the elderly, the pregnant, children and infants, and paraded them before cheering, hostile crowds in Gaza.

Why can’t Jews and Arabs continue to live together?

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 that Arabs brought along their children as they looted Jewish communities, and allowed the children to have seared into their memories images of the mutilated Jewish dead.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……as we saw on October 7 that while committing atrocities, Arab murderers called their parents in Gaza to brag about killing Jews, and received blessings from their barbarian parents.

Because we are such vastly different peoples……and we saw on October 7 that the Arabs again showed us how they live in a culture that is enveloped in darkness and cruelty and in which death is worshipped.

Do we need more convincing about how different we are from the Arabs? What about before October 7?

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7 when the Arabs proudly massacred 22 school children in Ma’alot in 1974 and were spoken of as heroes throughout the Arab world.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7 when Arab teenagers killed the Fogel family of five as they slept in their home in Itamar in 2011. And in a preview of their embedded savagery, the Arabs decapitated their sleeping infant in his crib.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7 when Arabs brutalized and hanged two Israeli soldiers in 2000 who wandered into Ramallah by mistake, and the Arabs proudly displayed their hands covered with Jewish blood to screaming crowds.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7 when the Arabs blew up a Passover seder in Netanya in 2002, in which thirty Jews were killed and 130 injured. And these Arab terrorists were again embraced as heroes by the Arab world.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7 when Arab religious leaders, government leaders and teachers never, for one day, stopped teaching their children in their schools that Jews must be killed.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when Arabs massacred 12 Israeli athletes and coaches at the 1972 Munich Olympics and mutilated their bodies.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when Arabs killed Israeli prisoners of war and mutilated their bodies during the 1973 Yom Kippur war.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when the Arabs honored, and continue to honor, terrorist murderers by paying their families lifetime pensions, with the amount varying based upon how many Jews they killed.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when the Arabs signed the Oslo treaties in 1993, and promptly began a terror campaign that saw the murder of 1,600 Jews.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when the Arabs hurled boulders at Jewish cars, killing men, women and children, in what all Arabs call legitimate resistance.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when the Arabs turned down the opportunity to create a Palestinian state in 1948, 2000 (offered by Barak), and 2008 (offered by Olmert), because their goal has never been statehood, but only to kill all the Jews of Israel.

We were always different peoples…. as before October 7, when the Arabs responded to the Jewish evacuation of Gaza by not bettering the lives of its population, but by turning it into a launching pad for terror and death.

And how do I know, in my own heart, that Jews and Arabs will never live peacefully together?

Because one evening in 2008 I was working in my apartment at Kibbutz Nahal Oz when I heard an enormous amount of gunfire erupt from within Gaza.

My apartment was only 700 metres from Gaza City and the bullets being fired into the air were clearly visible to myself and my neighbors, who joined me on the sidewalk.

There was also the wailing of hundreds of Arabs sounding their auto horns.

Back in my apartment, I discovered that the celebrations in Gaza was caused by news that an Arab delivery man had entered the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and executed eight students leaning in study over their Talmuds, while wounding 11 others.

Pictures later that night showed Arab children passing out candy on the streets of Gaza City to celebrate the massacre of Jews.

And just to maintain perspective about the Arabs, in a poll taken by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research two weeks after the attack, 84 percent of Palestinian Arabs supported the attack on the Mercaz Harav yeshiva.

Every day of the year the Arabs tell us they wish to kill us, and we must believe them. Every day of the year, the Arabs say they will establish a state in all of Eretz Yisrael that is free of all Jews. Every day of the year, the Arabs tell us that all Jews are settlers on “their” land, and they make no distinction between the Jews in Hebron, Kibbutz Be'eri or Tel Aviv.

For all that our eyes tell us, for all that we know in our hearts, the experiment of Jews and Arabs coexisting has failed and must be brought to an end.

For the future of Israel, the Jewish people and the Zionist enterprise, Jewish and Arab populations must be permanently separated.