Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Diplomas, tears, graduation ceremonies, inspiring speeches. And then immediately with the start of summer vacation, we read the following in this week's Torah portion: "How goodly are your tents, Yaakov, your dwelling places, Yisrael."
These words appear in parashat Balak and they are articulated by Bilam regarding the nation of Israel. Our good tent, our home is what has characterized us, more than anything else, for several thousand years. The home is where a human being is built and truly tested. Not in the street, not on the stage, and not on social media, but rather in the family circle at home.
The months of July and August are the greatest challenge to domestic tranquility, to patience, to parenting, to marriage. So this week's parasha appears at the appropriate time, reminding us that the most important, precious, and holy place is the home. Here's hoping that we can say at the end of the summer in reference to all of our homes: "How goodly are your tents, Yaakov, your dwelling places Yisrael."
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Together Again
Mazal tov. This past Shabbat we return to reading the same Torah portion throughout the world. Jewish pulses, wherever they may be, beat in unison once again.
A short explanation: Because of the Diaspora's second day of Yom Tov, a one-week gap is created between the Torah portions read inside and outside of Israel. In Israel, we read one parasha ahead (and can be spoilers for those in the Diaspora).
This gap is a reminder that even in a shrinking, globalized world, there is still significance and specialness to the Holy Land. There is the world as a whole, and then there is the Land of Israel.
This Shabbat in the Diaspora, the double portion of Chukat-Balak will be read while in Israel Balak alone will be read. And next week, all of us will read parashat Pinchas. Reading the same Torah portion each week throughout the world is the typical case, demonstrating that the "home page" of the Jewish people, wherever they may be, is the same from Alaska to Yemen to Japan.