The Jewish Policy Center recently reported that the EU and the UN illegally finance Palestinian Arab building projects in Area C.
Nothing new there.
Is someone unaware of it?
Haven't they always done it - behind Israel's back?
It's in the nature of things that China, Russia, Iran and their ilk support the 'Palestinian' Arab dictatorship but is it normal that Europe encourages such a tyrannical regime and, by the same token, saps Israeli democracy? Why is Europe so devoted to the Arabo-Israeli conflict? Could the following Wikipedia article titled 'ARAB LEAGUE–EUROPEAN UNION RELATIONS' provide us with the answer? Let's have a look.
The question begs to be asked: What does 'political support' mean to an entity devoted to the destruction of Israel?
-Would that mean that Europe is committed to help the Arab States getting rid of Israel by facilitating the adoption of anti-Israel resolutions at the United Nations?
-Or turning a blind eye to the countless testimonies incriminating the terrorist organizations it finances?
-Or also providing building materials for illegal Arab settlements in Area 'C' - as it is still the case today?
What does 'political support' in exchange for oil truly mean?
Aren't the Arab League and its UN co-conspirators those who repetitively manufacture unfounded resolutions against Israel… this with Europe's blessing? As an Entrée, you are eligible to a Brochette of defamatory resolutions with biased votes and, as main course, the marginalization of Israel.
Doesn't anyone dealing with the Arab League end up penalizing Israel one way or another? Isn't it this same League that keeps its Arab brothers and sisters hostages in ill famed 'refugee' camps and siphons off billions of dollars through the UN (UNRWA) for the shameful purpose of defaming Israel's glorious name? Can Israel's enemies do anything besides shaming their fellow human? Don't they shame every peace attempt? Don't they shame their own citizens by denying them fair elections? Don't they shame their women by depriving them basic human rights? And after that they dare shaming Israel at the United Nations with complicity of Europe.
All theaters have their backstage and the UN is no exception. The comedy being played there is hatched behind its scenes...
Europe should be given the 'Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award' - in the Comedy category. As for the Arab League, it should be given the 'Best Direction Award'.
Isn't the United Nations morally bankrupt?
If the UN is remotely representative of the world, it is then accurate to assert that it is Israel's foes - to which belong the Arab League and its allies - that are controlling the world - not the Jews. Who effectively profits from spreading myths about Jews if not he who hates them and wants their demise?
The UN is to Israel what France was to Alfred Dreyfus. But let's not forget that the Dreyfus Affair became Zionism's triggering factor that birthed the State of Israel.
There always is a good side: the side of Good.
Isn't it the side we should stand on?
We too, in Canada, could very well supply oil to Europe in exchange of 'political support' since we hold the 4th place in terms of proven oil reserves and oil production. But could the European Union first explain to us what 'political support' implies?
Marc 'Edge' Doyonis with Légende Communication,Quebec, Canada, where he is a computer graphic artist specializing in visual communication.