Mike Pence kicks off presidential campaign in Iowa
Mike Pence kicks off presidential campaign in IowaREUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

Mike Pence has officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States. His campaign filed a declaration of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission, ending months of speculation over whether he would seek the Republican nomination. However, he also did not rule out supporting Trump if the former president wins the GOP nomination. That statesmanlike announcement is what I have learned to expect of Mike Pence.

I’ve been fortunate to become a good friend of Rabbi David Katz, the executive director of the Israeli Heritage Fund which held a celebratory Yom Yerushalayim dinner with Arutz Sheva this week.. The organization supports conservative candidates for office that have the best interests of Israel in mind.

Several months ago, they hosted Mike Pence, at an evening which included a book signing for his new book, So Help Me God.

He was incredibly grateful to President Trump for picking him as his vice president and very proud of their record together. For Pence, his greatest highpoint as Vice President was having his name engraved on the Israeli Embassy that was moved to Jerusalem. He noted how Trump told him to be in touch with Ambassador Freidman, and that Friedman would get it done. Friedman, against all directives from the State Department got it done, and Trump viewed it as one of his great achievements.

Pence, an Indiana native, is led by a strong conscience and devout belief in G-d. He noted that during his tenure in Congress, he always had high respect for Jewish lawmakers and always looked forward to their statements on Israel, as he himself believes that Bible designated Israel as the land where the ultimate redemption will take place.

His book is beautifully written, with intriguing insights and compelling narrative. He gives you first hand accounts of the January 6th riots, exactly where he was at the time and what actions he had to take to protect his family.

He speaks of the of bizarre requests that Schumer and Pelosi often had, always recommending off the cuff removals of Trump from office. Impeachment and removal were casual terms they threw around.

He also describes the incredible cooperation he received from all the governors of the United States to address the Covid-19 pandemic. He noted that when the governors appreciated the gravity and human risk involved, they worked for the betterment of the people of all states.

In reading the book, you will come to know a man of integrity who puts his country first. Though he is a stout conservative, truth is his first concern. He had to make many tough choices in office, but it was always his reliance on the truth that guided his decision making.

I was not surprised to hear that the Justice Department recently exonerated him of any liability in regard to harboring classified documents. Pence is a man of the law, and this charge accused him of abusing the law. Such possible indiscretions didn’t match his profile.

When he speaks and peers out into the audience, you become enamored with his gaze of integrity. He expresses himself with great conviction and repute. His faith is most important to him and comes through in his utterances.

No one can predict who will be president at this point in the race. Trump is currently viewed as the forerunner, but it’s important to know about all the candidates running for the nomination and former Vice President Pence is certainly a man of character.

Steven Genack is an attorney. His great uncle, Eliyahu-Moshe Genechovsky was a member in the First Knesset. He is the author of the upcoming book, Articles, Anecdotes & Insights: Genack-Genechovsky Torah (Gefen Publishing House)